#2141 closed enhancement (maybelater)
Add ability to mark tickets as invalid/revoked
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Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | WordCamp Site & Plugins | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Currently, it is impossible to remove tickets that have been erroneously created. For example for WordCamp NL a volunteer ordered two tickets by accident. The organisation has no way to revoke this ticket.
Feature request by @tacoverdo.
Change History (2)
Note: See
TracTickets for help on using
It is possible to refund the ticket, and some camps work around it by encouraging attendees to gift the ticket to someone else (and update the attendee info), or just write it off as a donation, since it's relatively cheap for most people.
Those don't always work, though, so I can see a use case for this too. It'll need to be proposed to the Community Team first, though, so I'll close it for now.