
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#223 closed enhancement (fixed)

Team names could be hyperlinked on homepage to provide easier access to P2s

Reported by: hanni's profile Hanni Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Make (Get Involved) / P2 Keywords: has-patch


On the [ make] homepage, each team title could be a hyperlink to the respective team p2, as currently the only way to access each respective page is by clicking on the "learn more" link under each description.

This is certainly effective as one is obliged to understand the purpose of a team prior to arriving at their blog, however, it's also simultaneously somewhat unintuitive. Those looking to read the description will do so with or without the presence of a hyperlinked title.

Attachments (1)

223.diff (1.6 KB) - added by iandunn 11 years ago.

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Change History (7)

#1 @samuelsidler
11 years ago

There's a patch to improve this in general in #204. We could probably merge these tickets.

#2 @kadamwhite
11 years ago

+1—this has been bugging me since the new homepage went live, every time I come to it I click on the "Core" header before remembering that doesn't do anything.

#204 is definitely related, but they're talking about adding a button. I think the team name should be made clickable in addition to anything done in that ticket; it's the first thing people see, and some of us will still try to click on them even if the link below is changed to a button.

#3 @iandunn
11 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added; needs-patch removed

Attaching a patch. Since the URL is used in two places now, I decided to use post meta instead of hardcoding it in both the post content and the title link. This lets us dynamically generate the "learn more about..." link instead of having to put it in each post.

An alternative approach would be to guess the url based on the title, since they all match except for docs, which could easily be an exception. That'd be more fragile than the meta approach, though.

11 years ago

#4 @Otto42
11 years ago

There already is meta for that field, albeit not in the same format. The make_site_id holds the id number of the site. I'll use that to derive the URL instead.

#5 @Otto42
11 years ago

In 119:

Add link to title, auto-add Learn More link. props iandunn. see #223

#6 @Otto42
11 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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