1 | | It would be a nice convenience for organizers if we had a field for a sponsor's twitter handle, so it’s easier to tweet a thank you. This would be particularly helpful in the case of global sponsors, but I could see a use case for local sponsors as well. It would not need to be a required field. |
| 1 | It would be a nice convenience for organizers if we had a field for a sponsor's twitter handle, so it’s easier to tweet a thank you. This would be particularly helpful in the case of global sponsors, but I could see a use case for local sponsors as well. It would not need to be a required field. |
| 2 | |
| 3 | '''Update:''' the Twitter Handle field has been added for the Sponsor CPT. A similar field still needs to be added to the `multi-event-sponsor` plugin, though. See [#3]. |