#2683 closed task (blessed) (fixed)
Profiles: Add Marketing Badge
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | Profiles | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Per discussion in Slack: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02S78ZAL/p1491403671792275
Icon will be .dashicons-format-status
Color will be #47BEA7
Change History (42)
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #design by melchoyce. View the logs.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Oh, and badge assignments need not be a thorough list to start. Users can be assigned/removed at any time by request. If you only want to initially provide those who should get the team badge (a smaller and, likely, more straightforward list to put together) that'll work.
in reply to:
↑ 2
8 years ago
Thank you very much @coffee2code
Automation may be difficult to detect in Marketing because it's mostly slack chat, blog posts on Marketing, and GDoc contributions.
Thanks for making this easy for us.
We appreciate you.
8 years ago
- Owner set to iandunn
- Status changed from new to accepted
Added the styles in [dotorg13041]. Let me know when you have the list and I can add all the members.
8 years ago
Here is my list so far.
Marketing the Community
Name | WPorg Username | Slack Username | |
Bridget Willard | @bridgetwillard | gidgey | team |
Jen Miller | @jenblogs4u | jenblogs4u | team |
Laura Byrne Cristiano | @newyorkerlaura | newyorkerlaura | contributor |
Victor Ramirez | @isvictorious | isvictorious | contributor |
Sara Rosso | @rosso99 | sararosso | team |
Dave Navarro, Jr. | @dnavarrojr | dave_navarro | contributor |
Gary Kuhlmann | @spyderserve | spyderserve | contributor |
Stephanie Brown | @strawmitch | strawmitch | contributor |
Marketing to Developers
Name | WPorg Username | Slack Username | |
Jason Knill | @jpkglf | jasonpknill | team |
Dwayne McDaniel | @mcdwayne | mcdwayne | contributor |
Marketing to Agencies and Clients
Name | WPorg Username | Slack Username | |
Andy McIlwain | @andymci | andymci | team |
David Skarjune | @skarjune | skarjune | team |
↓ 8
8 years ago
Are those people team members, or contributors? i.e., should they only get the contributor badge, or should they get both the contributor badge and the team badge?
in reply to:
↑ 7
8 years ago
Sorry for the miscommunication on my part. I edited the list.
Replying to iandunn:
Are those people team members, or contributors? i.e., should they only get the contributor badge, or should they get both the contributor badge and the team badge?
↓ 10
8 years ago
That works, thanks :)
Let me know when everyone has filled it out, and I'll add them all at once.
in reply to:
↑ 9
8 years ago
It's done as of now.
Thank you, Ian.
Replying to iandunn:
That works, thanks :)
Let me know when everyone has filled it out, and I'll add them all at once.
↓ 12
8 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from accepted to closed
Thanks Bridget, everyone is added now :)
8 years ago
Sorry, was afk all last week - I think giving a marketing contributor badge to those who contributed to the new .org homepage redesign would be nice since it started as a marketing project. Some usernames are listed here - https://make.wordpress.org/meta/2016/12/22/new-homepage-is-launched/ but a few more are here under the mktg to end-users section https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/2016/12/07/wcus-2016-contributor-day-notes/
↓ 15
8 years ago
I added the usernames from the make/Meta post, but the make/Marketing post only has real names. @rosso99, can you leave a comment with the usernames for Andrea Zoellner, Ruth Kalinka, Marius Ghitulescu, Quynh-Mai Nguyen, Fahad Shakeel, and Karol K?
in reply to:
↑ 14
8 years ago
Replying to iandunn:
I added the usernames from the make/Meta post, but the make/Marketing post only has real names. @rosso99, can you leave a comment with the usernames for Andrea Zoellner, Ruth Kalinka, Marius Ghitulescu, Quynh-Mai Nguyen, Fahad Shakeel, and Karol K?
It's Fahad Shakeel with username @PressTigers
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by ocean90. View the logs.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Hi @iandunn
These are the new people from Marketing that should get a "contributor badge" on their WP.org profile for WCEU Contributor Day Marketing Team.
Slack | dot org | name | Role | event |
yvettesonneveld | yvettesonneveld | Yvette Sonneveld | contributor | wceu |
alexdenning | alexdenning | Alex Denning | contributor | wceu |
nagpai | nagpai | Nagesh Pai | contributor | wceu |
sptorabi | shaptora | Shayda Torabi | contributor | wceu |
buxertsav | buxertsav | Benoit Gütz | contributor | wceu |
I updated the GDoc.
Thank you!
8 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from reopened to closed
They're added now :)
8 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Good morning.
I'm happy so say that the Marketing Team continues to grow.
July / August Adds
Ana Silva @anafransilva @anafransilva contributor
Vishal Mukadam @vishalmukadam @vishalmukadam contributor
Jason Siegel @jasonsiegel @jasonsiegel contributor
↓ 22
8 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from reopened to closed
@bridgetwillard Added!
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Hi @iandunn
Would you mind adding a few badges for Marketing?
Thank you.
New badges
maedahbatool Team
@meher Contributor
And can you upgrade Dwyane to Team?
Dwayne McDaniel mcdwayne TEAM
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Thank you so much @iandunn for all of your help.
We have 22 more thanks to a great contributor day here at WCUS.
I updated the GDoc.
Name WPorg Username Slack Username Role Event
Shawn Pfunder pfunder pfunder contributor wcus
Annelieke van den Berg annelieke annelieke contributor wcus
Cindy Cullen cgcullen cgcullen contributor wcus
Micah Hoffman micahdhoffman micahdhoffman contributor wcus
Parth Pandya parth parth07 contributor wcus
Mary Baum marybaum marybaum contributor wcus
Dustin Nay DustinNay Dustin Nay contributor wcus
Kobi Sela webmediagroup Kobi Sela contributor wcus
Andrea Zoellner andreazoellner andreazoellner contributor wcus
Julie Shilling angelkiss17 angelkiss contributor wcus
Matan Sela matansel Matan Sela contributor wcus
Tyler Lau tylermaximus TylerMaximus contributor wcus
Linda Sherman lindasherman lindaloveswordpress contributor wcus
jeremy fremont jeremyfremont jeremyfremont contributor wcus
Fahad Shakeel presstigers presstigers contributor wcus
Anil Gupta Anil Gupta contributor wcus
Zach Booth zbooth Zach Booth contributor wcus
Rian Kinney riankinney riankinney contributor wcus
Christopher Tuttle ctuttle see_tutt contributor wcus
Gale Wallace gwallace87 gwallace contributor wcus
Heather Myronyk heatherm hmyronyk contributor wcus
Emily Andrews emily emilyandrews contributor wcus
7 years ago
Hey, sorry I haven't gotten to this yet, it's still on my list though.
Alternately, @jjj, is there a way for BP group admins to update to add members to their groups from the front-end? It seems like there would be, but when I've looked before I couldn't find it (or maybe it didn't work?). If we can get that working, it'd be much more sustainable in the long term.
7 years ago
We disabled all the BuddyPress front-end stuff, but it is actually all still lingering around. If there’s a need for it, it is easy for me to bring back. It wasn’t pretty, but it was functional.
It does require a “group admin” to be self-servicing, so people will need to be trusted and assigned the quasi-official role of literally having admin privileges over a part of the community, which I know has historically been an area of contention. Otherwise, any network admin can manually adjust membership as needed, which I think has been status quo for a few years now.
My personal opinion, fwiw, is we should open it up, make good leadership decisions, have the responsibility talks with folks, and let them manage groups as necessary.
7 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from reopened to closed
I added the contributor badge for everyone in comment:25.
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Hi @iandunn
I have three more contributors from CD at WCABQ.
Thank you.
Kitty Lusby kitty @kitty contributor wcabq
Angela Ollison angela @angela contributor wcabq
Heather Myronyk heatherm @heatherm contributor wcabq
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
I have three members who need team and contributor.
Name Dot Org Slack Type
Harry Jackson harryjackson1221 HarryJackson1221 Lead
yvettesonneveld yvettesonneveld Yvette Sonneveld Lead
Mike Reid mikerbg miker Lead
Thank you, Ian.
These two just need contributor
RachelPage. RachelPage RachelPage Contributor
Abha Thakor @webcommsat abhanonstopnews Contributor
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Good morning. Here are the contributors from last night (yesterday's) Contributor Day at WordCamp Rotterdam. Thank you.
Name WPorg Username Slack Username Role Event
1 Siobhan Cunningham, siobhanseija and siobhanseija siobhanseija siobhanseija Contributor WCRTM
2 Omar Lovert Omar Lovert olovert Contributor WCRTM
3 Wouter van de Velde woutervdfield wjhvandvelde Contributor WCRTM
4 Shad Raouf shadraouf shadraouf Contributor WCRTM
5 Milou de Kleijn miloudeklejn miloudeklein Contributor WCRTM
6 Hanno-wybren Mook hmook hmook Contributor WCRTM
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
New people from WCEU. Thank you, Ian.
WCEU Contributor Day
Name WPorg Username Slack Username Role Event
Janel Mladenovic Janel18 Janel Contributor WCEU
Richard van Denderen RDD richardvd Contributor WCEU
Maziar Firuzmand antialiasfactory antialiasfactory@… contributor WCEU
Parth Pandya parth07 parth Contributor WCEU
Alexander von Freeden voneff voneff Contributor WCEU
Robert-Jan Budding robertjanb Robert-Jan Budding Contributor WCEU
Claudiu Dascalescu claudiud claudiud Contributor WCEU
Gijs Hovens ghovens ghovens Contributor WCEU
Laurent Maillard laurent_lux Contributor / Volunteer WCEU
Benoit Gütz buxert buxert Contributor WCEU
Radostina Tsvetkova radostta Radostina Tsvetkova Contributor WCEU
Rounak Ahmed rounak1 rounakahmed Contributor WCEU
Jen Miller jenblogs4u jenblogs4u Contributor WCEU
Alex Denning alexdenning alexdenning Contributor WCEU
Daniel James danieltj danieltj Contributor ongoing since February 2018
Pritesh Vora bvpriteshvora pv Contributor WCEU
in reply to:
↑ 36
7 years ago
Replying to obenland:
There has to be a better way to do this
Team leads or nominated persons can be added to https://profiles.wordpress.org/associations/marketing-team/ so that this becomes maintainable by individual teams
in reply to:
↑ 38
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Thanks you two.
It seems to be the Team Reps only on this.
How do I add just regular contributors?
Thank you.
Replying to obenland:
Thanks @netweb.
@bridgetwillard You are now a group administrator, feel free to add new members yourself going forward.
7 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from reopened to closed
Please feel free to add members here.
I know @bridgetwillard and @rosso99 are working on the initial list of people to be assigned the badge. Bear in mind two things:
Also making note here that the fill color for team badges will be
(75% tint of the base#47BEA7