
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#2773 closed enhancement (invalid)

Plugin Directory: Add Tab for FAQ

Reported by: lukecavanagh's profile lukecavanagh Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:


Currently there are just five tabs that are defined in the plugin directory, there is still space for more. Moving FAQ in to its own tab would help, reduce the amount of scroll on load, before getting to a FAQ on some plugins. Also since the tabs stack on mobile at that responsive point, more tabs will not be an issue.

<li id="tablink-faq"><a href="#faq">FAQ</a></li>

Attachments (2)

FAQ Tab Space.png (35.7 KB) - added by lukecavanagh 8 years ago.
FAQ Tab Space
Tabs on Mobile.png (8.3 KB) - added by lukecavanagh 8 years ago.
Tabs on Mobile

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

8 years ago

FAQ Tab Space

8 years ago

Tabs on Mobile

#1 @Otto42
8 years ago

If we added more tabs, we would have to raise the breakpoint for the mobile switchover. Right now, the breakpoint is at 34em, which is about 550px. More tabs means a greater value for this so that the tabs don't overlap. Also, consider other languages. Right now, German is already too long for the existing breakpoint, so while we can raise it a bit, it starts to get a bit silly with more tabs. Having it switch to the mobile view at 600px or more is not great.

#2 @lukecavanagh
8 years ago

But is it worth increasing the mobile breakpoint for being able to get to content like the FAQ, without having to scroll on load?

#3 @Otto42
8 years ago

In my estimation, not really. I don't see any problems with scrolling. Most of the time, the scrolling comes from authors having ridiculously long descriptions.

But having the mobile break-point in the 600+ pixel range, yeah, that's a big problem. So, my view on this is "wontfix", for now. Not unless we come up with a better design to handle such situations.

Tabs are not perfect. They're just better than what we had before, for now. Until we come up with a better strategy.

#4 @Otto42
8 years ago

  • Milestone Plugin Directory v3 - Future deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

We're not adding any more tabs at this time.

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