
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2878 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add bbPress and BuddyPress Dashicons to the devhub dashicon reference

Reported by: netweb's profile netweb Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Developer Hub Keywords: has-patch


Via Slack #design-dashicons discussion

Previously bbPress and BuddyPress Dashicons were "hidden" from all Dashicons references as a way of obfuscating this information so that they were available "exclusively" to the bb's.

Now that the Dashicons are being migrated to SVGs these icons now need to be published so that the build tools can accommodate these ~12 SVG Dashicons


Attachments (1)

2878.patch (1.7 KB) - added by xkon 7 years ago.
add buddypress bbpress icons

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #design-dashicons by netweb. View the logs.

8 years ago

#2 @johnjamesjacoby
8 years ago

Exclusivity is not a requirement for the bb's. It was more to avoid the "what makes the bb's so special" question. I will be excited for the day someone makes a plugin that really shows off how great the Piñata icon is.

The individual icons are inevitably compiled into a font that can be publicly browsed by anyone, so there is no way to properly hide them from anyone but ourselves.

The Dashicons process is foreign to me, so I'm unsure how to best be helpful, other than to be appreciative and supportive of whatever happens next. :)

#3 @liljimmi
8 years ago


You can be helpful by suggesting a title for this new section or if we should put it under an existing section (i.e. "Products").

#4 @netweb
8 years ago

Maybe add the bbPress and BuddyPress icons to the existing "Products" section and the remaining in either the " Specific: Jobs, Profiles, WordCamps" or "Misc" sections, I don't think we need a new section for them

#5 follow-up: @coffee2code
7 years ago

Is there a complete listing of all the related dashicons we're talking about here?

I only know of the 4 dashicons for bbPress as listed on its Logos and Icons Codex page. Is there a similar listing for BuddyPress dashicons?

#6 in reply to: ↑ 5 @netweb
7 years ago

Replying to coffee2code:

Is there a complete listing of all the related dashicons we're talking about here?

I only know of the 4 dashicons for bbPress as listed on its Logos and Icons Codex page. Is there a similar listing for BuddyPress dashicons?

I've added the BuddyPress dashicons to

tl;dr: Here's them all:
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-logo"></div> / content: "\f448";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-activity"></div> / content: "\f452";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-community"></div> / content: "\f307";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-friends"></div> / content: "\f454";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-groups"></div> / content: "\f456";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-pm"></div> / content: "\f457";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-buddypress-tracking"></div> / content: "\f???";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-bbpress-logo"></div> / content: "\f477";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-bbpress-forum"></div> / content: "\f449";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-bbpress-topic"></div> / content: "\f450";
<div class="dashicons dashicons-bbpress-reply"></div> / content: "\f451";

I can't seem to find the fXXX id for the buddypress-tracking icon though, will hunt around some more and update later

7 years ago

add buddypress bbpress icons

#7 @xkon
7 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch reporter-feedback added; needs-patch removed

2878.patch attempts to have the code ready for use.

I don't see the icons into the dashicons.css yet when viewing the source of but if you check the repo on you will see some of the icons implemented.

I changed the styles of what @netweb wrote according to that repo's css and also added the tracking one as it's code is probably going to be

.dashicons-buddicons-tracking:before {

When the .css gets updated from that repo the icons should be working fine as well.


 	257	                                        <div alt="f449" class="dashicons dashicons-buddipress-bbpress-forum">bbpress forum</div> 
 	258	                                        <div alt="f450" class="dashicons dashicons-buddipress-bbpress-topic">bbpress topic</div> 
 	259	                                        <div alt="f451" class="dashicons dashicons-buddipress-bbpress-reply">bbpress reply</div> 

These do not yet exist on the repo's .css but are already in place as well.

Version 1, edited 7 years ago by xkon (previous) (next) (diff)

#8 follow-up: @coffee2code
7 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback removed

Now that I think about it, this request is a bit premature.

While the aforementioned dashicons for bbPress and BuddyPress may exist (and are accessible via CSS, e.g. content: "\f477";), the CSS needed for the HTML use suggested by the DevHub Dashicons page (e.g. <span class="dashicons dashicons-bbpress-logo"></span>) won't work out of the box for users until WP core's dashicons.css (last updated 2016-03-18) is updated to include the :before styling for these "new" icons.

I know these styles have already been added to the dashicon project's dashicons.css on GitHub, but they need to make their way to WP core's dashicons.css file before they are fully available to users (and thus able to be shown on DevHub). Since the file doesn't seem to get updated before each release, I'm not sure what the timetable for the next sync is. Maybe @melchoyce or @ryelle might have some insight?

#9 in reply to: ↑ 8 @netweb
7 years ago

Replying to coffee2code:

Now that I think about it, this request is a bit premature.

While the aforementioned dashicons for bbPress and BuddyPress may exist (and are accessible via CSS, e.g. content: "\f477";), the CSS needed for the HTML use suggested by the DevHub Dashicons page (e.g. <span class="dashicons dashicons-bbpress-logo"></span>) won't work out of the box for users until WP core's dashicons.css (last updated 2016-03-18) is updated to include the :before styling for these "new" icons.

I know these styles have already been added to the dashicon project's dashicons.css on GitHub, but they need to make their way to WP core's dashicons.css file before they are fully available to users (and thus able to be shown on DevHub). Since the file doesn't seem to get updated before each release, I'm not sure what the timetable for the next sync is. Maybe @melchoyce or @ryelle might have some insight?

I moved #WP41074 "Create new Dashicons (4.9)" into the 4.9 milestone a week or so back so that the dashicon changes that have gone in over the past ~18 months will "hopefully" land in 4.9 :)

#10 @obenland
7 years ago

  • Type changed from defect to enhancement

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta-devhub by drew. View the logs.

6 years ago

#12 @tellyworth
6 years ago

What needs to happen here in order to wrap this up?

#13 @netweb
6 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

The icons were into core and released in WordPress 5.2

#14 @coffee2code
6 years ago

These were technically added to core in [core44940]. DevHub was updated via [8763] for the broader Dashicon update request of #4305.

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