
Opened 7 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#3301 closed enhancement (reported-upstream)

CampTix: Add field to mark contributor day attendees

Reported by: camikaos's profile camikaos Owned by: dryanpress's profile dryanpress
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: WordCamp Site & Plugins Keywords: good-first-bug needs-patch


In CampTix we can mark people as attending the WordCamp, but not the Contributor Day itself. We need a new button to say "attended contributor day" so that we can have stats on how effective our contributor days are.

Change History (8)

#1 @iandunn
7 years ago

  • Keywords good-first-bug needs-patch added

#2 @iandunn
7 years ago

i just realized this is currently possible with the admin flags tool, but that's not as convenient for organizers to use. It'd be nicer if they could use the check-in tool that we use for regular attendance counts.

Although, most contributor days are less than 50 people, so maybe that's not worth the effort it'd require? I'm not sure.

We do want to have the data be in some kind of consistent structure, though, so that we can easily check the stats across all camps. Admins flags aren't by default, since the organizer just creates a flag manually. We could automatically create a flag for contributor day attendance, though.

If we modified the attendee check-in tool, though, then it would be structured by default.

If we go with the attendee check-in tool, we'll probably need to modify the design so that it's obvious which day the attendee is being checked in for. Otherwise it'd be easy to check them in for the wrong day.

#3 @coreymckrill
7 years ago

I'm not a big fan of cluttering up the UI with a large button just for Contributor Day attendance. I don't have any better ideas at the moment, though.

One thing that would partially mitigate this would be to only show the button for camps that definitely do have a Contributor Day. #1183 seeks to address this.

#4 @GaryJ
7 years ago

For WordCamp London, we sold free Contributor Day tickets (138, with at least 105 attendees on the day), and then marked people as attended. This approach has its own drawbacks such as more form-filling for attendees (though we can ask CD-specific questions), more work for ensuring conference tickets are marked off when they already picked up the badge at the CD the day before etc.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by dryanpress. View the logs.

6 years ago

#6 @dryanpress
6 years ago

  • Owner set to dryanpress
  • Status changed from new to assigned

I will start working on this later next week now that #1183 is closed.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta-wordcamp by iandunn. View the logs.

5 years ago

#8 @dd32
4 years ago

  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

This ticket has been moved to GitHub

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