
Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#3671 closed enhancement (fixed)

index.php files for static pages on are accessible/indexable

Reported by: jonoaldersonwp's profile jonoaldersonwp Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Component: Make (Get Involved) / P2 Keywords: seo


Static pages are implemented by creating index.php files within named folders. As a result, the actual index.php file is directly accessible (in addition to the named folder), which results in SEO, accessibility and analytics issues.

E.g., co-exists with

This includes the homepage, /downloads/, and other significant pages. As far as I can see, this issue can be resolved in three ways, in order of preference:

1) All requests ending in /index.php should be configured to serve a 301 redirect to the previous level folder. Note, however, this logic would need to be stored/executed somewhere central/low in the stack (which may prove challenging to implement and manage), and may create unexpected behaviours for other requests which legitmately end in index.php - and whilst I haven't seen any such cases, I haven't dug particularly deeply.

2) 301 redirects should be created all static/standalone paths/pages created in this manner (i.e., folders with index.php files), and stored/executed via .htaccess files (or equivalent) in the respective folders.

3) 301 redirects should be created on a case-by-case basis for specified pages.

In all cases, query parameters and/or fragments should be preserved during the redirect (e.g., /page/index.php?key=var#hash should redirect to /page/?key=var#hash).

Change History (3)

#1 @jonoaldersonwp
6 years ago

  • Keywords seo added

#2 @dd32
6 years ago

Just noting the URLs that this still applies to, as the /download example is no longer:

  • /mobile/ which will hopefully be fixed by #4096 being implemented as a theme template
  • /support/ which will be resolved by removing the bbPress 1 install that's still hidden there
  • /hosting/
  • /search/
  • /list/ which needs moving into a bbPress/BuddyPress page somewhere

#3 @dd32
6 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed in r14865-dotorg

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