#3778 closed defect (bug) (wontfix)
Keep Translation Contributors who no longer have translated strings due to fuzzied
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Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | Translate Site & Plugins | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
I've noticed this while translating for a while especially on older projects but if a contributor had translated a few strings that then become fuzzied, if someone else re-translates those strings there's the potential that the old contributor is then removed from the list.
For instance I just went to update WP Super Cache as there were fuzzied strings, before I translated I noticed there's three contributors;
But as the fuzzied strings were those the other translators had done, when I retrasnalted them they got removed as a translation editor;
I'm not sure if they can be kept on the project in any manner as it would be nice to know who may have contributed in the past.
Translators with Fuzzy strings