
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#3822 closed enhancement (maybelater)

Plugin Admin: Redesign Author Cards

Reported by: ipstenu's profile Ipstenu Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords: has-screenshots ui-feedback


Needs a UX designer here...

tl;dr the Author Cards, now that we've included user notes, can get pretty unwieldy. Can someone make it better? My only thoughts are to hide the Author Notes and Plugins and have a CSS/JS click to display? With the Plugins being clicked by default?

I've attached some current examples.

Attachments (3)

Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 10.15.37 AM.jpg (37.9 KB) - added by Ipstenu 6 years ago.
Example of small card for Notto
Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 10.16.29 AM.jpg (59.2 KB) - added by Ipstenu 6 years ago.
Example of banned user for sockpuppeting (with many links and notes)
Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 10.19.56 AM.jpg (38.6 KB) - added by Ipstenu 6 years ago.
Example of large card of plugin author doing annoying things.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

6 years ago

Example of small card for Notto

6 years ago

Example of banned user for sockpuppeting (with many links and notes)

6 years ago

Example of large card of plugin author doing annoying things.

#1 @melchoyce
6 years ago

What's the context these live in? Is it an admin feature?

#2 @Ipstenu
6 years ago

Admin only on the back end of

#3 @JoshuaWold
6 years ago

Wanted to validate, is this an interface that's only visible to users that have access to the backend of Therefore it will not be a frontend facing interface, but rather a more meta interface to make the reviewing and approving of plugins easier?

#4 @JoshuaWold
6 years ago

Is it possible to see one of these screenshots in the larger context of the overall interface?

#5 @Ipstenu
6 years ago

Is this an interface that's only visible to users that have access to the backend of

Again yes. This is ADMIN ONLY. Only people who can review and approve/open/close plugins will EVER see these. Back end of WP ONLY. No front-facing views. (Will that ever change? Possibly but it's so far down the road I don't want to get distracted)

Is it possible to see one of these screenshots in the larger context of the overall interface?

It would involve a lot of redacted information. It's a metabox on the post-edit page (either on the sidebar where you have the Publish box, or the larger section where you have Excerpts etc).

Last edited 6 years ago by Ipstenu (previous) (diff)

#6 @Ipstenu
5 years ago

  • Resolution set to maybelater
  • Status changed from new to closed

Closing this to pull it off the to-do list.

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