
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#3966 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

Vanishing translated strings and translation updates stuck.

Reported by: imath's profile imath Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords:



We have a situation on BuddyPress translation automatic updates, and more globally about the translation workflow in GlotPress. BuddyPress 4.0.0 was released on the 27th of november (2018) and since then BuddyPress users can't have their language packs updated.

Here's a chronology of events that brings me to this ticket.

It did not 😭. Moreover after checking the GlotPress Development version for BuddyPress fr_FR I had the surprise to see all the translating work I did just vanished 😱 😭😭

  1. Would it be possible to fix this translation automatic updates issue ?
  2. To avoid making translators lose their translated strings would it be possible to know what is the workflow we need to follow to make sure a Development (trunk) translated pot is successfully transformed into a Stable pot ?
  3. Would it be possible to have some docs to make sure we commit things in the right order ?

About 2 and 3, maybe I haven't searched enough, but I haven't found anything to help me in :

I really hope you can help us to have this issue fixed. Thanks a lot in advance.

Change History (3)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #buddypress by imath. View the logs.

6 years ago

#2 @pputzer
6 years ago

Some observations: I've also noticed that the sync between trunk and stable sometimes simply does not happen. I haven't been able see any specific trigger for this behavior.

Advice on #meta-i18n was to "submit a whitespace commit", which definitely does not trigger the sync. Tagging a new stable version has (so far) done the trick when I've been hit by the bug.

#3 @ocean90
6 years ago

  • Keywords needs-docs removed
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

The only thing that seems to be wrong is your way to tag/release new versions. You're adding the files instead of copying them from trunk which may result in strings being added to the stable project but not in dev project. Please read on how to tag new versions.

For example the string "Export Data" was part of which was committed to trunk _after_ the "tag" was created in

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