
Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#4001 new enhancement

When searching projects relevancy should come into account as '100% Translated projects' end up at the end

Reported by: garrett-eclipse's profile garrett-eclipse Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords:



I was trying to get to the Gutenberg translation project and went into Plugins, switch to '100% Translations' and entered Gutenberg into the search. Upon the reload the filter was reset to 'Untranslated Favourites, Remaining Strings (Most first)' which doesn't contain Gutenberg as it's fully translated.

It would be nice to have the 'Search projects...' preserve the dropdown view setting so users can search projects that are 100% complete. Or maybe a better approach is when search is done suppress the dropdown and filter so all projects can be returned in the results.

Thank you
P.S. I'm searching from en_CA Plugins -

Change History (6)

#1 @Otto42
6 years ago

The search form and the sort filter are two different forms, so they only submit themselves, not each other.

#2 @garrett-eclipse
6 years ago

Thanks @Otto42 should search then remove the filter of '100% complete projects' so they can be surfaced in search?

#3 @Otto42
6 years ago

I haven't looked at it that closely. They should probably just be in the same form.

#4 @dd32
6 years ago

FWIW Gutenberg appears on the 2nd last page -

It'd be nice if it had some relevancy or at least brought exact matches forward.

#5 @garrett-eclipse
6 years ago

  • Summary changed from Search projects... can't search 100% Translated projects to When searching projects relevancy should come into account as '100% Translated projects' end up at the end
  • Type changed from defect to enhancement

Thanks @dd32 you're right I didn't delve into page 5. It seems the filter on completed isn't the issue as now that I make it to the last few pages all the 100%'ers are at the end of the list.

I've modified the ticket to reflect the fact that my original assumption of 100%'ers being filtered is incorrect (sorry), and it's more a relevancy issue.

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