
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#441 closed enhancement (fixed)

Capture the Usernames of WordCamp Attendees

Reported by: iandunn's profile iandunn Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: WordCamp Site & Plugins Keywords: ux-feedback


We need to capture the usernames of WordCamp attendees so that we can incorporate that data on

I've started work on this by creating a CampTix addon that requires the user to login before purchasing a ticket. Since shares a user table with, that will get us their username.

It's been a few weeks since I had time to work on it, but IIRC the login workflow is working, but may need some finishing touches.

After that, we needs to store the username in the attendee meta, and then we need to update the notifier to push that to, and the activity handler to accept it. Storing the wporg username in attendee meta will eventually happen in the private camptix-extras plugin, but it can be built into the addon for now and I'll migrate it before deploying.

We also need to improve the notice on the login page to help users understand that they need to login with their username, and help them create one if necessary. Without this, many will be confused and try to login with the credientials from their self-hosted site.

@jenmylo, can you fill in any details that I missed?

Attachments (4)

camptix-require-login.diff (2.8 KB) - added by iandunn 11 years ago.
wcorg-login-message.php (981 bytes) - added by iandunn 11 years ago.
camptix.diff (3.9 KB) - added by nvwd 11 years ago.
added some hooks to camptix - they allow adding the meta to the attendee cpt
require-login.diff (6.4 KB) - added by nvwd 11 years ago.
completed the require login and added the functions to utilize the new camptix hooks to add the username attendee meta

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-meta by iandunn. View the logs.

11 years ago

#2 @nvwd
11 years ago

  • Cc nowell@… added

#3 @nvwd
11 years ago


Looking at camptix.php near line 5814, the form_checkout function starts looping over each attendee to insert the cpt(s). When someone purchases a block of tickets, we will only be able to capture the .org username for the person making the purchase.

This may have to be an optional piece of data for the attendee form.

Your thoughts?

cc: @jenmylo

#4 @iandunn
11 years ago

That's a good point. I don't think it will change the overall architecture, so it might be simplest to just start with the use case for buying a single ticket, and then add support for multiple tickets once that's finished and launched.

But yeah, I think we'd probably want to inject an extra field into the ticket questions to prompt for each attendee's wporg username.

This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-meta by NowellVanHoesen. View the logs.

11 years ago

11 years ago

added some hooks to camptix - they allow adding the meta to the attendee cpt

11 years ago

completed the require login and added the functions to utilize the new camptix hooks to add the username attendee meta

#6 @nvwd
11 years ago


The functions add the username field to attendee forms and save it in postmeta.
I have not commented any of the code yet.

Looking forward to any feedback.

#7 @iandunn
11 years ago

This looks really good, thanks @nvwd :)

@jenmylo, I took a few screencasts so you could see the workflow and give feedback.

  • Case 1: User has existing account and logs in via link in notice
  • Case 2: User has existing account and is forced to login after clicking Register button
  • Case 3: User doesn't have existing account and creates one

#8 @iandunn
11 years ago

  • Keywords ux-feedback added; needs-patch removed

I committed @nvwd's code in efb459dd54...467f96e3f5, and activated it for (but not the rest of yet).

I think the workflow for users who already have an account and just need to login is pretty good, but it's not so great for those that need to create a new account, so we might want to look at some improvements to that process as part of this effort.

#9 @webvisuals
11 years ago

A thought on the workflow would be when the user clicks on the register button to have the registration information popup inside a shadowbox effect. This way the user still feels like they are on the same site while registering instead of the disconcerting effect of being taken to a different page to register for a wordcamp.

#10 @nvwd
11 years ago


Have the registration process in a popup like the new media manager? Backbone registration.

cc: @iandunn

#11 @iandunn
10 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

This was used for WCSF and worked, but it turned out to be kind of an ugly hack (see #595:comment:2), so we may decide to do it differently in the future.

Regardless, this ticket can be closed, and we can open a new one for any iterative improvements or refactoring.

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