
Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 2 weeks ago

#45 new task (blessed)

Theme repository - add changelog listing tab

Reported by: mario-siteground's profile mario-siteground Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Directory Keywords:


Listing the changelogs for WordPress themes on would be helpful for people to revise theme progress while updating.

Submitted in detail as 22810 on Core Trac

Attachments (3)

Twenty Seventeen WordPress org-4911.jpg (208.7 KB) - added by joyously 6 years ago.
what the theme directory looks like
bbPress WordPress org-4932.jpg (217.6 KB) - added by joyously 6 years ago.
what the plugin directory looks like
2020-12-26_23-48-01.png (89.0 KB) - added by oglekler 4 years ago.
Example of how Changelog information can fit on the theme's page

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (18)

#1 @Daedalon
11 years ago

Pending on Theme Review Team to agree on the format. According to 22810 on Core Trac this may not have yet been brought to their attention and I don't see a way to do that without subscribing to a mailing list that would notify us of discussions we're not interested in following.

#2 @jcastaneda
11 years ago

  • Cc jomcastaneda@… added

#3 @ericlewis
10 years ago

  • Priority changed from low to normal

Seconded - admins will browse changelogs for themes when upgrading. We should surface this information.

#4 @jcastaneda
10 years ago

We should surface this information.

Yes, very much needed and looking forward to making this happen. Though because the theme repo was recently redesigned, would this need to be modified? A link below or above the last updated section could be one way to expose it I would think.

Discussion began:

First iteration:

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by jcastaneda. View the logs.

9 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by tellyworth. View the logs.

7 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by jcastaneda. View the logs.

7 years ago

#8 @joyously
7 years ago

For reference, here are current screenshots of a theme page and a plugin page.

Version 0, edited 7 years ago by joyously (next)

6 years ago

what the theme directory looks like

6 years ago

what the plugin directory looks like

#10 @dingo_d
5 years ago

We agreed on a triage meeting that the following things need to happen in order for people to start contributing

  1. Ask somebody from meta to provide the data for twenty themes
  2. Help with setting up meta environment and injecting the data from 1. into relevant databases
  3. Work on issues

This way we can actually start applying patches for this.

The fix for the current issue is not problematic:

We need to store changelog data from the readme (if it exists) in the meta during the get_readme_data() run of the upload, then just see how to reuse this information on the themes page.

#11 follow-up: @joyously
5 years ago

We need to store changelog data from the readme (if it exists) in the meta during the get_readme_data() run of the upload, then just see how to reuse this information on the themes page.

If we add the code to store the new data, how do we populate all the data for existing themes?
Or does it matter?

#12 in reply to: ↑ 11 @dd32
5 years ago

Replying to joyously:

We need to store changelog data from the readme (if it exists) in the meta during the get_readme_data() run of the upload, then just see how to reuse this information on the themes page.

If we add the code to store the new data, how do we populate all the data for existing themes?
Or does it matter?

I wouldn't worry about that too much - I assume someone on the dotorg side of things could trigger re-imports for the last few hundred themes, but in general importing changelogs for themes not currently being updated would provide very little benefit IMHO.

Unless someone felt comfortable doing it, I've always said "Make it work from now on, that's the safest and most straight forward option"

#13 @oglekler
4 years ago

If the theme on a website can be updated, there is a comment like:

Update Available
There is a new version of Twenty Sixteen available. View version 2.3 details or update now.

If click to the link about details in 'Appearance > Themes > Theme Details', there is theme page from but there is no information about what is the change in the new version.

It's hard to read Changelog (even if you found it) and not very informative sometimes, I think like in case if a commit to the repository, there suppose to be keynote about the version and also a link to get Changelog to most meticulous people. The most pressures point in case of themes - any changes which can affect appearance, sometimes API has changes and it causes problems with a child theme, these things need to be mentioned upfront.

4 years ago

Example of how Changelog information can fit on the theme's page

#14 @poena
4 years ago

Where are we on step two above?
Help with setting up meta environment and injecting the data from 1. into relevant databases
It is still very difficult to contribute to the meta environment.

Last edited 2 years ago by poena (previous) (diff)

#15 @galbaras
2 weeks ago

Seems to me that themes should be consistent with plugins in every way, both in the WordPress admin and in a parallel repository of their own, including reviews/ratings, support forums, tags, etc (not sure why this was ever handled differently and only continues to diverge).

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