
Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#5260 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

NSFW images on Codex File List page

Reported by: bradleyt's profile bradleyt Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Component: Codex Keywords:


I was taking a look at the Codex, and noticed a link to the page (Warning: the first image is NSFW). It looks like this page lists all image files which have been uploaded to the Codex, presumably for use across the various documentation pages that exist.

It seems any logged-in user can upload to the Codex, leading to some unsavoury images. Stumbling across NSFW images is an extremely poor experience, especially is someone new to WordPress were to find their way to this page.

This File List page can be indexed by Google (I've not checked to see if it has been), so there is a potential SEO impact here.

I can't see any legitimate images having been uploaded for a couple of years, so would it be possible to only allow a small number of trusted users use the upload facility? Alternatively (or perhaps additionally) could the File List page be hidden or removed in some way?

Change History (2)

#1 in reply to: ↑ description @westi
5 years ago

Replying to bradleyt:

I was taking a look at the Codex, and noticed a link to the page (Warning: the first image is NSFW). It looks like this page lists all image files which have been uploaded to the Codex, presumably for use across the various documentation pages that exist.

It seems any logged-in user can upload to the Codex, leading to some unsavoury images. Stumbling across NSFW images is an extremely poor experience, especially is someone new to WordPress were to find their way to this page.

This File List page can be indexed by Google (I've not checked to see if it has been), so there is a potential SEO impact here.

I can't see any legitimate images having been uploaded for a couple of years, so would it be possible to only allow a small number of trusted users use the upload facility? Alternatively (or perhaps additionally) could the File List page be hidden or removed in some way?

I have deleted the NSFW image from the codex.

#2 @Otto42
5 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

It's a wiki. Deleting spam is part of the territory. It doesn't seem to be too heavily abused at present, so, we can clean these on an as-needed basis.

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