
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5368 new defect (bug)

top 200 pluginlist does not show "waiting" proposals for dev

Reported by: psmits1567's profile psmits1567 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords:


If you open the list of top 200 plugins, then on the right side tha amount of waiting strings is shown. But that column uses the stable quantity instead of the dev quantity. So if dev should be the leading indication this column needs a change This is obviously the same for themes

Change History (9)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by nao. View the logs.

4 years ago

#2 @dd32
4 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Translate Site & Plugins

Context: This is related to the stats pages such as:

The numbers displayed on this screen use the Stable Code project (if it exists) otherwise the Dev Code project (if the plugin doesn't use tags for release).

It specifically excludes Readme projects from that view, and the Dev project if a stable exists.
It also excludes plugins if they haven't been updated in the last few years (and as a result, have never been imported onto

I guess the question is, what should be the behaviour here:

  1. Current behaviour, the currently released Code project (Stable or Dev)
  2. All strings in the Stable + Dev project
  3. All strings in the Stable + Dev + Readme projects
  4. Same as 1 (current), but the Waiting column should refer to ALL waiting strings related to the project (Stable + Dev + Readme)
  5. Same as 2, but the Waiting column should refer to ALL waiting strings related to the project (Stable + Dev + Readme)
  6. Add another URL, such as /stats/plugins/all-projects that does 3, leaving the current page as-is.
Last edited 4 years ago by dd32 (previous) (diff)

#3 @Nao
4 years ago

Peter was saying in #polyglots Slack that this is an issue because he can overlook "Waiting" strings when translators only complete Dev sub-project.

Often times this is a result of (inexperienced) translators starting translation from the top of a screen like this despite their goal is to make the plugin/theme available in the language, rather than translating the dev project.

GTEs' goal is to make sure that we find pending translations so we can help contributors by reviewing them. Personally I like the solution 6, plus improving the overview screen so that it's obvious Stable should be prioritized.

#4 @dd32
4 years ago

In 10159:

Translate: On plugin listing pages, list the Stable translation projects prior to the Dev projects.

See #5368.

#5 @psmits1567
4 years ago

I would prefer option 2, as you know that there will be readmes pending for an active plugin/theme.
Also I think that plugin/themes that have translation activities older then threshold should not bee included. I have seen plugin/themes with last activity by GTE older then 3 years. Those are mostly plugin/themes that have large amount of tranlation lines. They are marked "red" which is ok if the plugin/theme is not that old. But if the last contribution is to old it makes no sense listing them in this list.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by evarlese. View the logs.

4 years ago

#7 @casiepa
4 years ago

@dd32 @Nao Dealing with waiting strings is probably the most important factor to keep translators motivated. Having translated something but seeing that it never gets noticed by a PTE/GTE and so never gets accepted is really demotivating and after a while people stop translating.

Some locales do not have enough resources to deal with readmes, so I think we should really split the code strings from the readme strings.

I'm okay in combining dev and stable code strings, but I would still expect a split from the readme strings.

Proposal: Is it not easier to add an extra column? The current waiting would be 'Code strings waiting' and then a new column for the 'Readme waiting' ? As both can be sorted, this might fit all use cases we have for this top400.

#8 @casiepa
4 years ago

Concerning /stats/plugins/all-projects

If the goal is to list ALL projects (so not just the top400) for the locale that have waiting strings (split into readme and stable/dev), then that would of course be a perfect solution.

What we aim for in this case is not only the number, but also the DATE of the last added ones. So the 'last modification date' would be really important here to make sure we don't first validate strings that arrived some years ago.

Last edited 4 years ago by casiepa (previous) (diff)

#9 @ocean90
4 years ago

  • Priority changed from high to normal
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