Opened 4 years ago
Closed 4 years ago
#5474 closed enhancement (duplicate)
Make sure the reason for blocking/bozoing an account is always recorded and available
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Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | General | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Currently it's possible to bozo or block a user from multiple places around
Generally when this is done from the forums, a reason is given by the mod/admin who blocked the user; and that reason is visible in the user notes on the /support/users page. This works fine and gives enough context.
The issue is that this reason isn't easily discoverable to admins and other users outside of the forums. And if a user is blocked from another part of the system, no reason or context will be recorded.
We need to make sure that a reason is always recorded for blocking and unblocking an account, and that the reason is more easily available. That probably means:
- Finding all the places where it's possible to block or bozo an account.
- Removing some of them, or linking them to a central place instead (such as the /support/users page).
- Displaying the user notes to admins in a few more places (such as profiles, and the plugin review tools).
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Duplicate of #4192.