Opened 4 years ago
Closed 4 years ago
#5482 closed enhancement (duplicate)
Creating a commercial link for plugins
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Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | Support Forums | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
There's been some suggestions of letting authors control the target of the "View support forum" link on plugin and theme pages, which has been cemented solidly as a non-starter, which I agree with.
For the sake of discussion, and potential implementation, let's look at the idea of letting authors declare their commercial site in some way though.
For comparison, themes currently have a "Theme Homepage" link, under the theme details, in the sidebar.
Plugins have nothing like this right now. So adding a "Plugin Homepage" link may be a starter.
By making this an official thing (it doesn't need to go into the readme, we all know that's already starting to get quite busy), maybe by adding it to the Advanced
view of a plugin, which is already becoming partly the authors control panel, we can actually do some with this.
The rebuttal: Authors can just add a sticky topic saying where to go. And although this is correct, we also know that users do not necessarily read a sticky once they've landed in the forums.
I've attached a screenshot of a concept, the text would need working into something that makes it clear that this is their own doing, and not a dotorg thing, but I believe there is legitimate value in showing users both directions, and things have moved forward, it's not all techy users visiting forums, it's average Jim and Jill, who may not know of previous norms on how to forum properly
May I ask why this is substantially different from #5426?