
Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5544 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

The mySQL query / lookup for the lesson plans on Learn is wrong.

Reported by: carike's profile carike Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Learn ( Keywords:


To replicate:

  1. Open a new browser window;
  2. Go to
  3. Open each page in a new tab.
  4. Compare and find the duplicates.

Since it appears that the total number of published lesson plans in /wp-admin/ (58) matches the total number of lesson plans available for browsing (9 lesson plans x 6 pages + 4 lesson plans on page 7), this means that some of the published lesson plans are not available for browsing.
The order and which lesson plans are duplicated changes from time to time.

To fix:
The mySQL query should refer to the published lesson plans on the Learn platform.
To my knowledge, it currently does some sort of lookup to GitHub and this is incorrect.

Examples during my testing:

The Web Fonts lesson plan appears on page 3 and on page 4.
Here Theme Troubleshooting appears on page 2 AND on page 3.
What You Can Do With WordPress appears on page 3 and page 4.

Will upload screenshots.

Unfortunately these examples are not exhaustive.

Attachments (6)

image (20).png (95.4 KB) - added by carike 4 years ago.
image (21).png (50.6 KB) - added by carike 4 years ago.
image (22).png (54.2 KB) - added by carike 4 years ago.
image (23).png (52.2 KB) - added by carike 4 years ago.
image (24).png (34.3 KB) - added by carike 4 years ago.
image (25).png (50.9 KB) - added by carike 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

4 years ago

4 years ago

4 years ago

4 years ago

4 years ago

4 years ago

#1 @carike
4 years ago

  • Priority changed from normal to highest omg bbq

Changing the priority on this ticket because of the significant impact. is currently the only place where front end users can discover / explore lesson plans.
If this was simple duplication, it would be one thing, but the duplicates are substituting published content that is supposed to be there.

When I performed this test, the following lesson plans are duplicated on the list:
Child Themes Twenty Sixteen TWICE
Customizer Taglines THRICE
Customizer: Static Vs. Content Front Page THRICE
Dashboard Icons THRICE
Dashboard Overview TWICE
Managing Comments TWICE
Theme Troubleshooting TWICE
Web Fonts TWICE
What Is A Theme TWICE
Widget Areas TWICE
What is Open Source? TWICE
What You Can Do With WordPress TWICE

This means that 15 published lesson plans that should be discoverable to Learn users are not.
That is 25.8% of currently published courses that are not seen if a new user browses through courses.

Here is the raw data, in the order that the lesson plans appeared:
Line breaks separate pages.

Speaker Training Workshop
Creating a Account
Child Themes Twenty Sixteen
Enqueueing Scripts And Styles
Keeping WordPress Sites Secure
Managing Spam On A Site
Improving Site Performance
How To Install WordPress On A Server
Child Themes Twenty Seventeen

Choosing And Installing Themes
Child Themes Twenty Sixteen
Post Formats (Theme)
Template Heirarchy
Theme Troubleshooting
Theme Accessibility
The Loop
Template Tour

Managing Comments
Theme Troubleshooting
Web Fonts
What Is A Theme
Widget Areas
What To Include In functions.php File
What is Open Source?
User Management
What You Can Do With WordPress

Web Fonts
What Is A Theme
What is Open Source?
What You Can Do With WordPress
Widget Areas
How To Find Theme Specific Documentation
Introduction To CSS
Local Install
Managing Comments

Managing Updates
Managing Widgets
Pages Vs. Posts
Conditional Tags
Choosing And Installing Plugins
Customizer: Static Vs. Content Front Page
Customizer Taglines
Dashboard Icons
Dashboard Overview

Customizer: Site Icons And Logo
Customizer: Static Vs. Content Front Page
Customizer Taglines
Dashboard Icons
Dashboard Overview
General History Of WordPress
Help Regenerate Thumbnails
High-Level Overview
How To Find Help With WordPress

Dashboard Icons
Customizer Taglines
Customizer: Static Vs. Content Front Page
Anatomy Of A Theme

#2 @ocean90
4 years ago

  • Priority changed from highest omg bbq to normal

Can you please post this report upstream at

#3 follow-up: @carike
4 years ago

I strongly disagree with setting the priority for a ticket that relates to a quarter of published lesson plans not being available / visible to website visitors to "normal" when the site is supposed to launch tomorrow.

Hugh and Corey have been made aware of this ticket on Slack already. Is there another reason for a GitHub issue? If yes, I'll try to find some time later.

#4 @ocean90
4 years ago

Is there another reason for a GitHub issue?

Yes, quoting the description of the GitHub repo: Learn - The canonical source for the code behind

#5 @carike
4 years ago

If the concern is purely an administrative one, I'll see if I can make some time for it next week.

That having been said, I also strongly disagree with requiring contributors / potential contributors to create third party accounts outside of the WordPress ecosystem in order to publicly report problems with the software, or with the website.
It is the main reason why I strongly advocated for a LMS on Learn, rather than requiring non-technical users to contribute content on GitHub.
Such an approach is a barrier to entry goes against inclusivity goals.

#6 @Rastaban
4 years ago

@carike, Don't worry about the github account. There is already a related issue on github so I don't think a new one is needed:

I didn't know it was effecting the post type pages as well so it is worse than originally thought. I have cross link back to here as well and requested it be escalated.

Last edited 4 years ago by Rastaban (previous) (diff)

#7 @coreymckrill
4 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

#8 in reply to: ↑ 3 @dd32
4 years ago

Replying to carike:

Is there another reason for a GitHub issue?

When creating this ticket, you should've also seen a warning that it should be created on GitHub instead.

As you're a Bug Gardener on this trac you get to bypass that warning and create the ticket anyway, most people can't create it.

I might update the warning to make it clear that the reason you're able to create the ticket is due to those extra permissions.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.