
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5700 new enhancement

Link translation from different languages and show a block with different translation to the article.

Reported by: oglekler's profile oglekler Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Site Keywords:


Add ability to link translation between subdomains and show note on top of the post that the post is available in different languages. It will encourage people to translate in their own language apart from the ability to choose which language to read like lang-guess on the main .org page right now.

If the list will be huge, on top can be the language that is guessed and the link to the block at the bottom to check all other available languages.


Original post:
Russian version:
Hindi version:

Attachments (1)

2021-04-14_19-46-56.png (38.2 KB) - added by oglekler 4 years ago.
lang-guess example: "This article is also available in your language Русский (also Deutsch, Nederlands)".

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

4 years ago

lang-guess example: "This article is also available in your language Русский (also Deutsch, Nederlands)".

#1 @oglekler
4 years ago

If the translation will have the ability to be linked to the original, all translations can be congregated through the original (English version, to simplify things).

#2 @fierevere
4 years ago

Is there anything could be done with ( domain filtered) trackback ?

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