
Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#5803 closed task (blessed) (fixed)

SVN credentials need for GitHub Actions on WordPress/rollback-update-failure

Reported by: afragen's profile afragen Owned by: dd32's profile dd32
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:


I've added @10up's GitHub Actions for deployment to dot org to

Unfortunately I don't have access to add the Secrets to the repository. Can I get this fixed please?


Change History (5)

#1 @JeffPaul
3 years ago

Noting more specifically that it will need SVN_USERNAME and SVN_PASSWORD secrets either on that repo or on the WordPress org on GitHub.

#2 @dd32
3 years ago

  • Owner set to dd32
  • Status changed from new to accepted

#3 @dd32
3 years ago

I've added the secrets to the Repo, but not at the org level where I'd prefer they be.

I'm hesitant to add it at the org level, as I'm unsure what will happen when someone mis-configures the action, ie. Git repo != plugins.svn directory and I don't want the action to do something silly with a non-personal account :)

Keeping this open to explore the above, so that I can just add it to the org for simpler updating if need be.

#4 @JeffPaul
3 years ago

@dd32 I agree that your decision to go at the repo level is probably correct for now to avoid significant mistakes on other repos. I also agree that I'd prefer this at the org level, but for now its probably most sensible to keep it at the repo level. Either way, thanks for handling this so quickly.

#5 @dd32
3 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from accepted to closed

I've migrated these to organisation secrets.

The secrets are restricted to specific repo's still, but any admin of the organisation can add/remove repo's there to the secrets without needing to know the passwords.

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