
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5860 new defect (bug)

Make translated support pages discoverable, and prompt translation

Reported by: tellyworth's profile tellyworth Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: HelpHub ( Keywords:


Currently, support articles such as this one don't provide any obvious links to translated versions:

Some translated versions do exist (such as but are not easily discoverable. Nor is there any obvious prompt to help translate.

This is one of the blockers preventing us from removing old Codex stub pages. The equivalent Codex page does have a language locator, which I'll include in a screenshot.

We probably need several things:

  1. Links on each helphub page to translated versions of that page. That might be in the form of a list something like the language locator, or perhaps a dropdown language selector if that's more appropriate.
  1. A link on English pages that prompts users to create translations for locales that don't yet have them. My understanding is that this currently is a manual process that involves first creating a new page, and then copying the existing English content to that page and editing it. We should streamline that workflow where possible.
  1. Consider doing something better than just a default 404 page for HH articles that aren't yet translated, such as

Currently it seems like translated HH articles don't have the same slugs, and probably don't have any metadata recording their relationship to the original page. We'll need to solve that in order to implement 1 and 2 above.

Attachments (1)

Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 9.09.53 am.png (99.6 KB) - added by tellyworth 4 years ago.
The language locator as seen on Codex pages.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

4 years ago

The language locator as seen on Codex pages.

#1 @audrasjb
4 years ago

Currently it seems like translated HH articles don't have the same slugs, and probably don't have any metadata recording their relationship to the original page. We'll need to solve that in order to implement 1 and 2 above.

Indeed, we need something similar to the translation_of MDN Docs field. A meta with the slug of the original post would work fine, IMO.

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