
Opened 3 years ago

Closed 12 months ago

#5968 closed task (blessed) (reported-upstream)

Curate more #ILoveWP posts on testimonials webpage

Reported by: ixmati's profile ixmati Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: General Keywords:


Currently, there is only one curated post on the testimonials webpage ( and the links on that page to view tweets with the #ILoveWP hashtag show quite a few unrelated and otherwise not salient posts.

Possible solution: Use a Twitter collection to curate specific #ILoveWP posts and embed it on the testimonials webpage ( If some curated testimonials are not tweets, perhaps a couple of curation mechanisms could be combined on the page to bring in multiple testimonials.

I made an example collection with just a couple of curated tweets to show how one might be made. The code to embed that collection follows:

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="">#ILoveWP - Curated tweets by xolotl</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Change History (2)

#1 @webcommsat
3 years ago

  • Type changed from enhancement to task

Thanks for sharing this ticket on the marketing slack @Nate Angell.

There was a folder and a card on this in marketing. I will see if I can find it later in the week to see what the discussion was on this.

From memory, there was some work done on:

  • identifying audiences/ stories/ campaigns and creating little stories for this hashtag
  • the work on it was to go on hold until the completion of the more detailed personas and the showcase update, so that it could all work together. The first priority was to update the Showcase
  • some discussion on a similar campaign and whether this would clash or could co-operate / cross-promote with it
  • some work had been done on identifying what would be a Contributor Story, Showcase, or LoveWP, and how this would be different from these series/ campaigns and from People of WordPress

UPDATE: Marketing GitHub [card] to bring all the different items together and to check-in with Collieth's team on any campaigns they may be working on involving this. Card will be allocated to the relevant board once this has been completed.

Version 2, edited 3 years ago by webcommsat (previous) (next) (diff)

#2 @coffee2code
12 months ago

  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from new to closed

In the intervening years since there was last discussion on this ticket, it has been made a bit moot. The testimonials page now redirects to the "community" category archive on the News blog. That page has no link to Twitter (asides from the global footer) and makes no mention of the #ILoveWP hashtag.

The general request for how to collect, select, and make use of testimonials, including those from the #ILoveWP hashtag, is more in the realm of the Marketing team. And as linked in the preceding, they are tracking this request in their GitHub repo. If any action item arises from that ticket which requires implementation from the Meta team, a new ticket can be opened here accordingly.

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