
Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 12 months ago

#6223 new enhancement

Provide information about committing theme updates directly to SVN

Reported by: dufresnesteven's profile dufresnesteven Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Review Keywords:


The theme directory now allows authors to make updates directly to a theme via SVN. The handbook has been updated with information on how to do it (

There are a few more interactions where theme updates are mentioned but don't mention direct SVN updates. I think it would benefit theme authors to include information or link to information about committing via SVN.

Upload Page:

How to upload a theme update
If you are uploading a theme update, simply increase the version inside of style.css and upload the file again, just like you do with a new theme.

Confirmation Email:

** Theme Updates **
You can update your theme any time and it will be added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number in your style.css and uploading a new ZIP file.

Theme goes live, confirmation email:

We currently don't mention anything about updating code.

Congratulations, your new theme {theme} is now available to the public at {theme url}.

Any feedback items are at{ticket-number}.

The Themes Team

Change History (8)

#1 @dufresnesteven
3 years ago

Upload Page:

If you are uploading a theme update, simply increase the version inside of style.css and upload the file again, just like you do with a new theme.

If you are uploading a theme update, simply increase the version inside of style.css and upload the file again, just like you do with a new theme. Alternatively, you can make updates using subversion (SVN). <a href="">Read more about theme updates</a>.

Code Ref

#2 @dufresnesteven
3 years ago

Confirmation Email:

You can update your theme any time and it will be added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number in your style.css and uploading a new ZIP file.

You can update your theme any time and it will be added to the ticket. You can do so by bumping up your theme's version number in your style.css and uploading a new ZIP file, or by using subversion (SVN).

Code Ref:

#3 @dufresnesteven
3 years ago

Theme goes live, confirmation email:

The plugin directory adds a number of useful links in the confirmation email. I think we can use that approach. I'm not sure what links would be the best, but this example includes the default handbook page and theme update documentation.


Congratulations, your new theme {theme name} is now available to the public at {theme url}.

Any feedback items are at{ticket-number}.


Congratulations, your new theme {theme name} is now available to the public at {theme url}.

Any feedback items are at{ticket-number}.

Theme Handbook

Making Theme Updates

Code Ref:

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #themereview by kafleg. View the logs.

12 months ago

#5 @kafleg
12 months ago

I like the idea of providing more information about how to update the release. I think meta team can handle this part.

#6 @dd32
12 months ago

@kafleg Confirmation from the Themes team as to the wording of the messages would be appreciate :)

#7 @kafleg
12 months ago

Thank you for looking in to this @dd32

I'll confirm from the themes team and get back to you ASAP.

#8 @kafleg
12 months ago

We checked and the message is fine. We can update the template with this wording.

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