
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#641 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Display language download counts public

Reported by: samuelsidler's profile samuelsidler Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: low
Component: General Keywords:


We should display the language download counts somewhere on I'm not sure where yet, but the data exists and is visible to all validators in their Rosetta backend. Perhaps we can put it with the other download count somewhere? We should probably clean up the display of the data a little bit, but that shouldn't prevent us from making it live, once we've decided where.

For now, filing this in General, since we don't know where to display it yet.

Change History (2)

#1 @s1m0nd
10 years ago

I think this would be a really smart move, and not just because data. (Although that's as good a reason as any!)

As discussed at WordCamp Europe contributor day, we have a strategic - and potentially urgent - need to recruit more translators, and to promote i18n-friendly development. But if you aren't already conscious of the extent of non-English-US usage, and the potential impact you can have, you may not feel especially motivated to make the effort.

Plus Nacin presumably needs the numbers for his WCSF talk on Oct 25.

It's been discussed before #101 in the context of putting counts on the Rosetta sites themselves; but really I think we're talking about a high-level, globally promoted location. is the obvious starting point?

#2 @samuelsidler
9 years ago

  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from new to closed

Let's just dupe this to #101.

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