
Opened 2 years ago

Closed 7 months ago

#6417 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

And prev/next navigation to single pattern view

Reported by: bph's profile bph Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Directory Keywords:


The display of patterns on the theme page is fantastic!
When I click on a pattern, it opens nicely into a full page view with a left side menu on top of which I see arrows for navigation.
They let me go from theme to theme but I am missing similar prev/next buttons for the next pattern on the particular theme.
For that, I need to go back to the previous page and click on the next pattern thumbnail.
Here is a short video to see the process now.

I fear the top of the left navigation on the single theme and single pattern page would need to get a bit of a redesign, as it is now quite confusing.

Attachments (2)

xicOiGOio2.mp4 (4.3 MB) - added by bph 2 years ago.
Navigating through Pattern views
Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 12.37.02 PM.png (414.4 KB) - added by dufresnesteven 2 years ago.
The video is cut off so we can't see you clicking the arrows, but I understand the issue and agree it will need some design help. We could maybe add a toolbar above the theme when viewing a pattern?

Change History (3)

2 years ago

Navigating through Pattern views

2 years ago

The video is cut off so we can't see you clicking the arrows, but I understand the issue and agree it will need some design help. We could maybe add a toolbar above the theme when viewing a pattern?

#1 @ryelle
7 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Now that the Theme Directory theme has been updated, a list of patterns is now visible on the theme preview (for example, Twenty Twenty-Four), along with the style variations. This lets you preview both options as you're previewing the theme itself.

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