
Opened 2 years ago

Closed 19 months ago

#6654 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Documenting the globals in various files into the

Reported by: viralsampat's profile viralsampat Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: lowest
Component: General Keywords: has-patch dev-feedback reporter-feedback


Hello Team,

Today, I checked meta trunk and its core files, I found a few files inside "" where we need to document global variables.

During QAing I found that in some places it is already documented, But in some places, we need to improve it.

Here, I have added the files path:


Attachments (12)

6654.diff (4.0 KB) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
Here, I have added my patch.
6664.diff (543 bytes) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
I have checked from my end and found few other files. So, I have added my patch.
6664.2.diff (294 bytes) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
I have checked from my end and found few other files. So, I have added my patch.
6654.2.diff (294 bytes) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.
6654.3.diff (543 bytes) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.
6654.4.diff (887 bytes) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.
6654.5.diff (1.6 KB) - added by viralsampat 2 years ago.
I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.
6654.patch (8.7 KB) - added by viralsampat 20 months ago.
I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.
6654.2.patch (1.1 KB) - added by viralsampat 20 months ago.
I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.
6654.3.patch (2.3 KB) - added by viralsampat 20 months ago.
I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.
6654.4.patch (2.9 KB) - added by viralsampat 19 months ago.
I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.
6654.5.patch (3.3 KB) - added by viralsampat 19 months ago.
I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

2 years ago

Here, I have added my patch.

2 years ago

I have checked from my end and found few other files. So, I have added my patch.

2 years ago

I have checked from my end and found few other files. So, I have added my patch.

#1 @viralsampat
2 years ago

Hello @team

Recently, I added two new patches which are related to this ticket, But by mistake, I wrote the wrong ticket name.

6664.diff​ (543 bytes) - added by viralsampat 3 minutes ago.
I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.

6664.2.diff​ (294 bytes) - added by viralsampat 3 minutes ago.
I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.

So, if possible then please delete these both patches from the list.

Here, I am adding the same patch with its correct ticket number.


2 years ago

I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.

2 years ago

I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.

2 years ago

I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.

2 years ago

I have checked from my end and found a few other files. So, I have added my patch.

20 months ago

I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.

20 months ago

I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.

20 months ago

I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.

#2 @dd32
20 months ago

  • Priority changed from normal to lowest

@viralsampat The contributions are welcome, but the majority of these do not appear to add anything of benefit to the developer experience.

Simply documenting a global variable that is referred to as global 2 lines later doesn't seem useful to me, especially if it doesn't actually provide context as to what it is.

Can you explain your reasonings as to why this should be committed?

#3 @viralsampat
20 months ago

Hello @dd32

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback.

Yes, you are right. Most of these do not add anything of benefit to the developer experience.

I have added this change just because make it consistence. We checked all the files and found that in some places, we followed all the rules, But in some places, we didn't mention global documentation.

So, it is not impacting more, But we will add this then we will maintain its consistency.


19 months ago

I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.

19 months ago

I have checked above mentioned issue and founds few more files. I have applied its patch.

#4 @dd32
19 months ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed
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