
Opened 2 years ago

#6672 new enhancement

Changes/additions for support article "Must Use Plugins"

Reported by: abitofmind's profile abitofmind Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: HelpHub ( Keywords:



  • 👍 Overall well written.
  • ❌ But some aspects are not yet covered (out of my own experience):
  1. Integrate proper keywords into that official support article so that "Must Use Plugins" becomes more prominent in search engine results as an intended/supported method to "disable updates and update notifications for a particular plugin". Phrases/Keywords to include:
  • How do I keep a plugin frozen at a certain version?
  • How do I disable auto-updates?
  • How do I disable update notifications?
  • The "update available" badge over the plugins menu entry does not go away for plugins with auto-updates disabled?
  • How do I remove that badge counter? (for the single affected plugin)?
  1. Improve this: Moving a plugin folder there is not enough. You need a PHP file pointing at it.

The documentation indeed mentions:

WordPress only looks for PHP files right inside the mu-plugins directory, and (unlike for normal plugins) not for files in subdirectories. You may want to create a proxy PHP loader file inside the mu-plugins directory: <code snippet>

  • Even though I'm somehow tech-savvy, the term proxy PHP loader file scared me off as too technical.
    • Proposed alternative terms: stub file, auxillary file, inclusion file.
  • And as the code snippet was quite empty and inconcrete, it did not convey the idea to me either.
    • For these both reasons I overread that section.
  • Please include a more concrete/vivid code snippet, that better conveys the idea,
    • such as the code snippet, that I received in this support session that had started as my feature proposal which staff and me rejected for good reasons after having discussed in detail.
    • In the code snippet use a real world description field like "I keep that plugin frozen in v1.2.3 because I need feature X which was removed in v2+. And then was abruptly abandoned. But I really need the plugin to work as it does in v1.2.3.". Then the reader immediately gets the idea!
  1. Please also add: How to correctly migrate an enabled plugin to a must use plugin
  • I found out by trial and error.
  • Users may appreciate if the support article could cover that use case as well.

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