
Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#6733 reopened enhancement

Notifications channel for Community team on Slack (for Github and other updates)

Reported by: leogopal's profile leogopal Owned by:
Milestone: Q1 Priority: normal
Component: Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) Keywords: changes-requested


I am starting the documentation for onboarding community team to using Github for project management.

In the meantime I’ve spoken with Team Reps from Learn team and they have a #training-notifications channel which I hope you can help me create a community-notifications channel to keep the regular discussion channels clean as there will be a lot happening there over the next few weeks.

Change History (3)

#1 @leogopal
2 years ago

we are using this primarily for project management and tracking.
So no commits, or code related notifications like pull requests either.

Mostly just issues, issue updates, and if possible to include projects updates too.

We wont be using the discussion feature for the make community team, would it be possible to have that feature disabled?

Thank you.

#2 @Otto42
2 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

Disabled most features of the repository.

#3 @leogopal
2 years ago

  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Sorry to bother, the original request was for hope you can help me create a #community-notifications channel to keep the regular discussion channels clean as there will be a lot happening there over the next few weeks.

and to have the github slack app, subscribed to new issues and updates only (not commits, or anything else)

Please and thank you.

I think it would be github subscribe wordpress/community-issue-tracker issues

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