
Opened 23 months ago

Closed 23 months ago

Last modified 20 months ago

#6897 closed enhancement (invalid)

Upgrade Notice from readme.txt not working in Themes

Reported by: ciorici's profile ciorici Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Directory Keywords:



I noticed that adding an "Upgrade Notice" section in the readme.txt files of themes is not working, and those messages are not appearing on the Updates page in the Dashboard.

It would be really useful if that section could be detected so we can inform users about important updates, just like it works with Plugins.

Here's an example of readme.txt:

Thank you

Change History (5)

#1 @ciorici
23 months ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

#2 @Otto42
23 months ago

Themes do not have readme.txt files. The theme team can recommend them, but they are not part of the theme directory or system, as they are with plugins.

#3 @ciorici
23 months ago

@Otto42 I found a mention in the handbook that Block Themes require a readme.txt file:

The Theme Review Team also has a repository with a sample readme.txt file, and it's mentioned here that this is a required file (maybe this requirement is no longer relevant for Classic Themes):

Anyway, after digging more, I've found another ticket where the same idea is already discussed and being implemented:

#4 @Otto42
23 months ago

There is a minimal readme.txt processing in the uploader form. However, it is not required for a theme to have such a file.

There is a difference between what the theme and core team decides for requirements versus what is actually a requirement by the underlying code of the directory system.

To implement such an upgrade notice system, code would be needed both in the core and in the theme directory to allow for such things.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by costdev. View the logs.

20 months ago

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