
Opened 22 months ago

Last modified 21 months ago

#6973 new feature request

Pattern Stats Top 100

Reported by: marc4's profile Marc4 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords:



I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place, sorry if it's not here.

Just as there are rankins of plugins and themes, I think it would be interesting to have a ranking of patterns, so when translating patterns we could devote our time to translate the patterns that are most used.

This would allow us to be more efficient, being able to spend our scarce time where the community needs it most.

Attached is a screenshot

Thanks :)

Attachments (2)

patterns.png (40.3 KB) - added by Marc4 22 months ago.
translate-this-pattern.png (68.4 KB) - added by Marc4 21 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

22 months ago

#1 @tobifjellner
22 months ago

  • Component changed from General to Translate Site & Plugins

#2 follow-ups: @dufresnesteven
22 months ago

Patterns don't give us stats the same way plugins and themes do. We do have a favorite count, but I'm not certain that would be a useful indicator. On, we could also leverage the "Copy pattern" action, although it would need modification to prevent gaming.

I do agree that surfacing the higher quality patterns is a problem that needs solving and this would likely be part of that solution. is half of the playing surface, Gutenberg could also have a role to play.

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @Marc4
22 months ago

Could it be interesting to get the same stats for patterns as for themes and plugins?

s it too complex for this purpose alone? Could it have other applications what would make this change interesting?

How could one move forward with this?

Replying to dufresnesteven:

Patterns don't give us stats the same way plugins and themes do. We do have a favorite count, but I'm not certain that would be a useful indicator. On, we could also leverage the "Copy pattern" action, although it would need modification to prevent gaming.

I do agree that surfacing the higher quality patterns is a problem that needs solving and this would likely be part of that solution. is half of the playing surface, Gutenberg could also have a role to play.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by marc4. View the logs.

22 months ago

#5 in reply to: ↑ 2 @Marc4
22 months ago

"Copy pattern" includes those who try, but perhaps later reject the pattern because they don't end up liking/being useful.
"Favorite" can include those who like the pattern and want to have it accessible to use that pattern in other installations and those who may like it visually, but mark it as a favorite to try it later.

Another option would be to take an average of "Favorite" and "Copy pattern", which would be a numerical result that would not be public, to avoid the game you are talking about.

Anyway, at first glance, the incentive to play with the "Copy pattern" button would be the same as the one that currently exists to mark it as a Favorite, wouldn't it? If it already exists, or not, we would not be creating that incentive again with this, right?

Replying to dufresnesteven:

Patterns don't give us stats the same way plugins and themes do. We do have a favorite count, but I'm not certain that would be a useful indicator. On, we could also leverage the "Copy pattern" action, although it would need modification to prevent gaming.

I do agree that surfacing the higher quality patterns is a problem that needs solving and this would likely be part of that solution. is half of the playing surface, Gutenberg could also have a role to play.

Version 0, edited 22 months ago by Marc4 (next)

#6 @dufresnesteven
21 months ago

Could it be interesting to get the same stats for patterns as for themes and plugins?
s it too complex for this purpose alone? Could it have other applications what would make this change interesting?

Just to be clear, patterns, unlike themes and plugins don't have an active install state. Additionally patterns are different in that they are relevant in the context of the theme. So if we ask "is this pattern a good pattern" we need to consider it's context.

I personally believe that the best road will be one of curation and not user behavior on or telemetry in Gutenberg.

#7 @Marc4
21 months ago

Regarding curation, the process to translate a specific pattern is difficult, since the patterns have very general names and finding them by name is really complicated.

Perhaps the pattern could be linked to its translation, as is already the case with plugins and themes?

I attach an example image. The idea would be to only activate one of the two example locations.

#8 @dufresnesteven
21 months ago

@Marc4, can open up a new ticket regarding translation improvements? It will help us keep this ticket specific and succinct. Thanks.

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