
#7030 closed enhancement (fixed)

Show user note elements in reverse order

Reported by: clorith's profile Clorith Owned by: clorith's profile Clorith
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


Currently, user notes are shown in the order they were added, but with the extended use of these over time it's apparent that this isn't the most ideal display orientation. User notes may some times be very detailed and long, or there's a long account history where many notes have been added over time. These factors make user notes hard to quickly glance at, doubly so on smaller devices, with a lot of scrolling required in either direction.

By reversing the order of notes, we can ensure that it's quick and easy to show the most recent details for a user - at a glance - when looking at notes. This would, in most cases, remove the need to scroll through many entries (of course you may want to reach through all the history for some users, but this would simplify life in a majority of situations).

Change History (1)

#1 @Clorith
20 months ago

  • Owner set to Clorith
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 12615:

Support Forums: Show user notes in reverse order.

This reverses the order in which user notes are listed, making it simpler to view the most recent status of an account at a glance.

Fixes #7030.

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