
#7202 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

Search issues on

Reported by: asanaplugins's profile asanaplugins Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:

Description (last modified by dd32)

Hi Team,

We have noticed an unusual behavior on the search. It is displaying unrelated plugins and also prioritizes inactive plugins over active ones.

If you try performing this search "Search for product bundle", you will notice that the Ovic Product Bundle, which is an inactive plugin with a poor description, appears second on the list, which is quite strange. On the other hand, the active plugin, Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce, which has a better description, is not given the same priority.

Furthermore, in some cases, we have observed that unrelated plugins are ranked higher than the relevant ones. For instance, there was a plugin that remained in the second position on the list for a while, despite being unrelated. You can perform this search "search for discount", this plugin was on the second of the list for a while!

We would appreciate your feedback on this matter.

Thank you.

Change History (3)

#1 @Otto42
18 months ago

  • Milestone Improved Search deleted

#2 @dd32
18 months ago

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Milestone set to Improved Search

This is likely a duplicate of one of the many existing search-related tickets, which I'm just going to link here for now: #2686, #3338, #4404, #4405, #5082, #5231, and many more.

We would appreciate your feedback on this matter.

We cannot provide direct responses like you're looking for here, this is not a support ticket system, it's a bug reporting platform.

edited OP with correct link trac markdown.

#3 @dd32
10 months ago

  • Milestone Improved Search deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

Upon reviewing the searches listed in the ticket here, the results are significantly different than they were at the time of the report.

I don't see anything actionable here, I'm going to close this, noting that the previously mentioned tickets will likely help any issue.

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