
Opened 18 months ago

Closed 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#7245 closed enhancement (fixed)

Improve visibility of Developer Blog on Developer homepage

Reported by: ironprogrammer's profile ironprogrammer Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Developer Hub Keywords:


Visibility of the link to the "developer news blog" at could be improved.

Calling it the "Developer Blog" has me instinctively (and repeatedly 😞) entering (see #7089), and until today I completely missed the existence of its tiny link at the bottom of the Developer hub page 😅. A few times I have ultimately turned to a search engine to find the location of the "wordpress developer blog". (I'm not proud of my forgetfulness; just sharing my experience.)


I'd like to propose that the blog become a "first-class citizen" of the Developer hub, and have its own link, icon, and description in the main content area of the page. The blog's content is the result of considerable effort, and is growing into a rich and ever more important resource -- it's deserving of better visibility / easier discoverability! 👍🏻

An additional idea (or alternative if "news" shouldn't be a primary "resource") would be to surface Developer News in the main navigation. This blog's slug and design mimic that used by, but only the latter gets prominence in a nav link.

Change History (3)

#1 @dufresnesteven
17 months ago


Do you mind taking a look at this ticket in the theme's repository:

Does that design address your concerns?

#2 @coffee2code
13 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

The theme for the Developer Resources site was completely changed a few weeks ago and the new theme features the fact that there is a Developer Blog by having its own section, linking to the blog, listing and linking to the 3 most recent posts, and listing the 3 most popular categories.

The Developer Blog does get linked in the site navbar, but if you're suggesting it get added to the global nav, then that is unlikely (Learn > Developers linking to the Developer Resources, which references the blog, is what we have and the most that'll happen on that front).

#3 @ironprogrammer
13 months ago

Thanks, Scott -- The recent updates to the developer site DO address the concern I had for this ticket, so I agree this has been fixed. Kudos to the Meta and Design teams for also including the most recent posts 🎉

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