
Opened 17 months ago

Closed 8 months ago

#7277 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Theme Search is broken

Reported by: stiofansisland's profile stiofansisland Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: high
Component: Theme Directory Keywords:


Context: I initially found this bug when searching for my theme "School" (

Visiting this page via a link (or page refresh)
Shows only 9 themes and no load more button and it does not show my theme.

However, if you visit another search page first such as and THEN search "school" from there, it brings you to the exact same URL but

  1. The themes are different (my theme shows)
  2. It shows 12 themes instead of the original 9
  3. It shows the load more button.

However, if you refresh the page, it returns to the broken version of the search.

This is repeatable with other words such as "news".

Sometimes during my repeated searching it would work intermittently, which makes me think it could be related to a caching issue as well as something else.

All testing was done logged out.

Attachments (6)

school-direct-link.jpeg (80.2 KB) - added by stiofansisland 17 months ago.
School theme search from a direct link
school-searched-from-another-theme-page.png (331.4 KB) - added by stiofansisland 17 months ago.
School theme search when done from another theme page (this is the correct results)
news-direct.jpeg (86.2 KB) - added by stiofansisland 17 months ago.
news theme search from a direct link
news-searched-from-another-theme-page.png (519.5 KB) - added by stiofansisland 17 months ago.
news theme search when done from another theme page (this is the correct results)
directory-direct.jpeg (73.5 KB) - added by stiofansisland 17 months ago.
directory theme search from a direct link
directory-searched-from-another-theme-page.png (405.2 KB) - added by stiofansisland 17 months ago.
directory theme search when done from another theme page (this is the correct results)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (29)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by stiofansisland. View the logs.

17 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by stiofansisland. View the logs.

17 months ago

#3 @Otto42
17 months ago

Theme search seems fine, and that theme is the first one that shows up.

#4 @stiofansisland
17 months ago

Yeah its tricky as sometimes it work, which make some think its some sort of caching issue...

Other keywords that seem to break ofter are

You will know it's broken if there is no load more button.

Thanks for giving this some attention.

#5 @stiofansisland
17 months ago

School seems to be back to broken now too

You can see the wrong results using the WP screenshot tool:

17 months ago

School theme search from a direct link

17 months ago

School theme search when done from another theme page (this is the correct results)

17 months ago

news theme search from a direct link

17 months ago

news theme search when done from another theme page (this is the correct results)

17 months ago

directory theme search from a direct link

17 months ago

directory theme search when done from another theme page (this is the correct results)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by stiofansisland. View the logs.

17 months ago

#8 @paulkevan
17 months ago

This isn't broken, but the expected results.

Sometimes when the Elasticsearch (which powers the theme directory search) doesn't return results (for a few reasons), it defaults to the WordPress standard search, which only takes into account the query sent, so results in what is seen when the school theme returns first.

#9 @stiofansisland
17 months ago

That page shows 9 resutls and no "Load more" button, so just 9 results which does not include the theme with the slug "school". So if you land on that search page there is NO WAY to find the theme with the slug "school", i'd call that very broken...

Here is a web archive link showing that it only shows 9 themes and no load more (so no way to find the theme with slug "school" as well as many many others).

As mentioned on slack, if enough people visit that page in a short period of time it then seems to work as expected, which makes me think its a caching issue, but I guess the first hurdle is trying to get some one to belive this is actually a bug :(

#10 @stiofansisland
17 months ago

Another way to replicate...

Go to any theme page eg:
In the theme search box enter "school", this shows the correct results. Then simply hit "enter" and the page loads with the wrong results which are limited to 9 themes with no load more button anymore.

#11 @stiofansisland
17 months ago

The second most popular theme on can't be found with the search term "hello"

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by stiofansisland. View the logs.

17 months ago

#13 follow-up: @dufresnesteven
17 months ago

Thanks for the ticket @stiofansisland.

I see that searching for uppercase "School" and lowercase "school" returns different results and that is unexpected. 👍

#14 in reply to: ↑ 13 ; follow-up: @stiofansisland
17 months ago

Replying to dufresnesteven:

Thanks for the ticket @stiofansisland.

I see that searching for uppercase "School" and lowercase "school" returns different results and that is unexpected. 👍

I think that is just a byproduct of repeating your search, I don't see a difference with case.

Version 0, edited 17 months ago by stiofansisland (next)

#15 in reply to: ↑ 14 ; follow-ups: @dufresnesteven
17 months ago

Replying to stiofansisland:

Replying to dufresnesteven:

Thanks for the ticket @stiofansisland.

I see that searching for uppercase "School" and lowercase "school" returns different results and that is unexpected. 👍

I think that is just a byproduct of repeating your search, I don't see a difference with the bug with case.

Incorrect, regardless of the number of page reloads, the result sets always differ:

#17 in reply to: ↑ 15 @stiofansisland
17 months ago

@dufresnesteven this is just another symptom of the bug, if too many people start loading that page it then WORKS (as mentioned previously).

NOW it seems to work for those specific words because we are all checking it, but in a few hours, it will be broken again.

Check the screenshot of the lowercase school, I bet its different than what you currently are seeing

"directory" is still currently broken

Last edited 17 months ago by stiofansisland (previous) (diff)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by sereedmedia. View the logs.

16 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by courtneyengle. View the logs.

16 months ago

#20 @stiofansisland
9 months ago

Just to be clear, this seems to have nothing to do with cAsE, though it can show different results, its just showing the issue and not the actual issue.

This has been broken for a long time, this ticket alone is 8+ months old and it was broken a long time before that. I have made a short video showing how the pages show different content for the SAME search terms

I still can't believe it, but at this point, I'm still trying to get someone to actually confirm this is a bug, and it's broken!

#21 @dufresnesteven
9 months ago

Thanks for the effort @stiofansisland.

We're currently updating the front-end to be block-based which will help us identify what's truly going on here.

There is some relevant conversations happening in this ticket you should check out:

The theme itself is not ready for official QA, but you can preview the updates using this URL:

It does appears like some of the issues in your recording are already resolved.

#22 @stiofansisland
9 months ago

@dufresnesteven awesome! Thanks for pointing this out, and indeed it does look fixed in the new block based layout! I'll follow the github issue.

#23 @ryelle
8 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Now that the new theme has been enabled, I think the issues here are fixed. If that's not the case, please follow up by creating an issue here:

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.