
#7281 closed feature request (invalid)

Highlight State of Enterprise WordPress Survey on

Reported by: willmot's profile willmot Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Site Keywords:


A group of enterprise WordPress agencies (Big Bite, Human Made, Code Co, Inpsyde, Crowd Favorite, XWP, Alley, Reactive, Web Dev Studios, RT Camp) are collaborating to produce a State of Enterprise WordPress 2023 report, we are running a survey to gather anonymised data which we will then compile into a report which will be released with neutral branding under a Creative Commons license for the use of the enterprise wordpress community.

To help us gather data from as wider group of enterprise WordPress users as possible we would like to highlight the survey on We plan to run the survey until then of November 2023 so the callout can then be deleted. We'll then compile the results and release the final report in December.

We're envisioning a block added the page below the "use cases" block with the title "State of Enterprise WordPress 2023" with a short explanation of what the survey is, an image, and a button link to the survey.

Here's the link to the survey:

Attachments (2)

SOEWP-banner.png (365.0 KB) - added by willmot 17 months ago.
banner suggestion.png (111.2 KB) - added by Joen 17 months ago.
Banner mockup

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

#1 @willmot
17 months ago

Here is the paragraph blurb:

Designed to share meaningful insights and data on how the platform best serves large-scale brands, the report will summarise findings from a survey of a wide number of global organisations that currently use WordPress as a primary CMS, secondary publishing tool, or simply to power a blog.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by courtneyengle. View the logs.

17 months ago

#3 @Joen
17 months ago

Good one. Can we include the compact banner component that is currently (right at this moment) present on the homepage? We might want to change the color since there's a blueberry spot color right below. The benefits would be:

  • It's an existing component, fully accessible, ready to drop-in.
  • It's consistent with events as we do them on the rest of the site.

I took a quick stab at a design for this, see attached.

17 months ago

Banner mockup

#4 @courane01
17 months ago

It was identified at Meta team meeting that this belongs in wporg-main-2022 repo on GitHub.

Questions were raised about the form linked above and where data is stored, if it is to be linked from the .org site.

#5 @willmot
17 months ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

Just noting that I moved this to GitHub

Thanks all, I'll close this issue now.

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