
Opened 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#7396 new defect (bug)

Child theme uploads bypass theme-check checks

Reported by: dd32's profile dd32 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Theme Directory Keywords:


When uploading a child theme, it intentionally ignores Theme Check errors, and allows the upload (even thought TC has said no). This is because many TC errors are not child-theme aware, and are not actually errors for a child theme at all.

This however ends up with some submissions getting past theme check and into Trac that probably shouldn't, for example, the following seen on a recent ticket:

ERROR: "Theme Name Here" currently has 1,000+ active installations. Please check for name collisions outside of before approval.

Making TC fully child-theme aware is probably a bigger task, but we can probably start to block on specific checks such as the active-install check.

Change History (1)

#1 @kafleg
13 months ago

Thank you for creating this ticket. This will help a lot while reviewing themes.

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