
#7439 closed task (blessed) (fixed)

Create @WordPress/Community-Team Github Repo for central WordPress Community Team Repo

Reported by: leogopal's profile leogopal Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: high
Component: Make (Get Involved) / P2 Keywords: changes-requested



The the Community is ramping up the team for full onboarding and adoption of @WordPress Github for full task and project management and tracking and workflow automations.

This is our Make Team:

And we currently have one repo: Community Issue Tracker

We have some specific, different and broader plans, and keeping this Issue Tracker but allowing us a new repository in our Team (just as the Marketing Team has the Marketing-Team repo.

We would need the same teams privileges assigned to it for triage, issue, and repository management - with having myself, @leogopal, @peiraisotta, and @ bombaypirate allowed the highest possible privileges.

Please assist as we hope to move forward this week with this.

Change History (7)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by leo. View the logs.

13 months ago

#2 follow-up: @dd32
13 months ago

This has been created, and I've copied the permissions from the existing repo.

The teams Community Triage has Triage, and Make Community Team has Maintain.

It appears that the Github teams for Community have been created in the reverse of what it should be - Resulting in both of those teams having Maintain access.

The Community Triage team is a sub-team of Make Community Team, and as such, inherits all permissions of the parent team.

The teams should be setup akin to something like this:

Team (Little permission; probably Write)
 - Triage (Triage access)
 - Admins (Maintain access)
 - Some other team for a project

Can y'all look into that and correct the nesting of the teams? Let me know if you need any changes made from me that you don't have access for.

#3 @dd32
13 months ago

  • Milestone Q1 deleted
  • Type changed from enhancement to task (blessed)

#4 @dd32
13 months ago

  • Keywords changes-requested removed

#5 in reply to: ↑ 2 @leogopal
13 months ago

Replying to dd32:

This has been created, and I've copied the permissions from the existing repo.

Thank you kindly @dd32! Appreciate the quick assist!

The teams Community Triage has Triage, and Make Community Team has Maintain.

It appears that the Github teams for Community have been created in the reverse of what it should be - Resulting in both of those teams having Maintain access.

The Community Triage team is a sub-team of Make Community Team, and as such, inherits all permissions of the parent team.

The teams should be setup akin to something like this:

Team (Little permission; probably Write)
 - Triage (Triage access)
 - Admins (Maintain access)
 - Some other team for a project

Thanks for catching that, though with the permissions I have, I can't quite see what you see, I am only able to see the team, sub teams, and each of their members, not what they are able to do in the repository - but I am able to see and set access writes to Projects in the main community team -- however most of the triage/maintenance would happen from the issues section on the repo - and the board mostly presents the different views and statuses -- we will be automating as much of how its used via actions, issue templates and workflow automations.


  • when I try access the manage access here I get a 404

Here are screenshots of what I am seeing on my end:

Maybe I am missing something?

Can y'all look into that and correct the nesting of the teams? Let me know if you need any changes made from me that you don't have access for.

#6 @leogopal
13 months ago

  • Keywords changes-requested added

Also, sorry to be a pain - as we get this setup, we are using the learn and marketing teams setups as our initial guides -- they both have Discussions active for their team/main repo.

Would I be and the above mentioned members also get access to that being turned on along with permissions to configure/setup the topics etc.? @dd32

#7 @dd32
13 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

@leogopal There was some Trac issues that resulted in me not getting those Mentions until now ooops.

Thanks for catching that, though with the permissions I have, I can't quite see what you see

What you need to know is that teams should be structured with the parent team having LESS permissions than it's children teams.

And Repo's shouldn't have users added directly, but rather to the Team instead. (That's partially why you couldn't see the access page, as the team had Maintain, as permissions were handled via the teams)

GitHub permissions are Read => Triage => Write => Maintain => Admin. See

Previously the teams were setup as such:

Make Community Team (Maintain)
 - Community Triage (Triage)

This resulted in the Triage teams permissions being Maintain, as it's inheriting the parent teams permissions, even though by the access given it was supposed to be two user roles lower in permission. In other words; The Triage team was doing nothing, it didn't grant extra access, only useful for @community-triage mentions.

I think this should be setup as such: (I've just done this)

Make Community Team (Write)
 - Community Triage (Triage) <- This is a pointless group, as the Make team has Write access, which is higher access
 - Community Admins (Admin)

Anyone can be a member of the Community team and get most access to things.

This does mean that some permissions for some people changed.

  • Those only in the Triage team, no longer have Maintain access to the repo's, only Triage access.
  • Those in the Working Group teams no longer have Maintain access, only Triage access, unless they're in the Admin groups.

Discussions active for their team/main repo.

I've gone through and enabled those, looks like it probably requires an admin to enable..

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