
Opened 9 months ago

#7510 new enhancement

Contextual Search in Translation Consistency Tool

Reported by: marc4's profile Marc4 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords:


It would be interesting to extend the capabilities of the Translation Consistency Tool beyond the strict search for a keyword, being able to search for strings containing that word/s. This would allow you to see how that word/s has been translated within a various contexts.

Currently, if search for "lightbox", the tool will show how the word lightbox has been translated in all cases where the translation string is just "lightbox", nothing before or after that word.

You could simply allow the use of wildcards "*" before and after a keyword or add a new box with the text "Contextual", to show a list of strings where that keyword appears.

Attachments (1)

contextual-search.png (43.2 KB) - added by Marc4 9 months ago.

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