
Opened 6 months ago

Closed 6 months ago

#7566 closed enhancement (fixed)

Notify Plugin or Theme developer of support requests

Reported by: marc4's profile Marc4 Owned by: dd32's profile dd32
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


I think it would be interesting if the plugin/theme developer would automatically receive any support request that someone makes in the support area of a plugin or theme.

Currently, the creator of a plugin or theme is not notified if someone writes in the support area, so if the developer doesn't check it he will never know that someone has written.

The developer of a plugin/topic is also not notified that he must subscribe to his own support area for each plugin/topic he has created in order to receive notifications, if someone writes there.

This is annoying for the creator, and he can easily forget to subscribe to all his developments. It is also annoying for the one who asks for support, because nobody attends him.

Change History (13)

#1 @kbat82
6 months ago

I think you should be auto subscribed on plugin approval, but you can opt-out if you choose. I've also forgotten to aubscribe on a plugin and only noticed randomly checking the readme and seeing the support count.

#2 @dd32
6 months ago

I'm not against auto-subscribing the original submitter of the plugin.

However, additional users can be added as committers and support reps later on - should they be auto-subscribed too?

This might be something that we'll want to get the forum moderators onboard with.

#3 @kbat82
6 months ago

Personally, I think yes a role addition should auto subscribe the user and an email sent informing them about the sub (with an opt out button).

#4 @Marc4
6 months ago

I too believe that added contributors should be automatically subscribed, with the option to be able to decline notifications.

#5 @alanfuller
6 months ago

Vote for, having also made that mistake and forgot, and also when adding support reps, default should be subscribe IMHO

#6 @sebastienserre
6 months ago

I don't know if auto subscribing will be allowed in EU for example (GDPR).
Even if we develop plugins, it can stay a side project and support not provided, so I don't think auto subscribing is a good idea.
Subscription should remain a voluntary act.

Maybe a link in the email sent when the plugin is published to suggest the subscription can be a solution. Can't remember if it's already the case.

#7 @dd32
6 months ago

All subscription emails on the forums include the opt-out link, so that should be enough of an opt-out.. I don't think we can/should include an opt-out link in the post-approval email or send a specific email notifying them of it..

I don't know if auto subscribing will be allowed in EU for example (GDPR).

Totally allowable IMHO :) It's part of the deal when submitting plugins that you'll get emails relating to the plugin. Just like committers get SVN commit notifications; they've got no choice in it.

#8 @dd32
6 months ago

  • Owner set to dd32
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 13510:

Plugin Directory, Support Forums: Automatically subscribe plugin committers and support reps to a plugins forum activity.

Users can opt-out through the unsubscribe link included with all support forum emails.

This is only applied for future committer/support rep changes.

Fixes #7566.

#9 @dd32
6 months ago

In 13511:

Support Forums: Add missing change from [13510].

See #7566.

#10 @Marc4
6 months ago

Thanks @dd32 Shouldn't we do the same in Themes?

#11 @dd32
6 months ago

  • Component changed from Plugin Directory to Support Forums
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

@Marc4 Yes, I added support for themes in the code, but didn't have a chance to implement (&test) it.

Re-opening it for that purpose.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by courtneyengle. View the logs.

6 months ago

#13 @dd32
6 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 13563:

Theme Directory: Auto-subscribe the theme author to the support threads for their theme upon approval.

Fixes #7566.

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