
Opened 5 months ago

#7745 new feature request

Plugin Review - Edit plugin - Notice about a pending release confirmation.

Reported by: frantorres's profile frantorres Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:


As a plugin reviewer, when checking in the "Edit plugin" page a plugin that has release confirmations activated and the author pushed an update to the SVN without confirming or being able to confirm it.

Sometimes I do mistakes cause I don't notice that the plugin has pending release confirmations. Currently there is a metabox to check for this but it uses to be long and normally is out of sight for the reviewer.

This happens, as example, when:

  • Responding to a request for a published plugin that the author forgot about, or have problems confirming the release.
  • Reviewing closed/disabled plugins as they cannot approve their own releases, so those need to be managed by the reviewer.

The proposal is to somehow warn the reviewer about a pending release confirmation in the edit plugin page.

Idea 1:
A notice in the top of the page. Showing that the plugin has a release confirmation pending and ideally buttons to confirm or discard it.

Idea 2:
A warning in the Plugin Controls metabox "⚠️ Has a pending release confirmation" linked to the "Plugin Release Confirmation" metabox.

Attachments (2)

releases-confirmations-1.png (12.6 KB) - added by frantorres 5 months ago.
Idea 1
releases-confirmations-2.png (17.8 KB) - added by frantorres 5 months ago.
Idea 2

Download all attachments as: .zip

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