
Opened 6 months ago

Closed 6 months ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#7751 closed enhancement (fixed)

Make it obvious to moderator if they are about to reject a published photo

Reported by: coffee2code's profile coffee2code Owned by: coffee2code's profile coffee2code
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Photo Directory Keywords:


When editing a photo, it's not always obvious if the photo has been published or is awaiting moderation. Of course there are some indicators, such as the 'Publish' metabox 'Status' and 'Publish' field values, and the action button text being based on context. It's worth keeping in mind that rejecting a photo is a destructive process in that the associated photo gets deleted from the server and thus the rejection can't be undone.

But mistakes happen. When editing a photo, if a moderator thought that photo was pending (despite actually being published), their focus might not be with the upper part of the 'Publish' metabox, but with just about everything else. And a published photo could get rejected. While this issue doesn't happen very often, we would do well to provide additional cues to the moderator to make it much more obvious that they are operating on a published photo.

I propose a change and two additions:

  1. The rejection reason dropdown should be disabled by default for published photos. But since we still want moderators to be able to reject published photos...
  2. Add a checkbox above the rejection reason dropdown that enables the dropdown. The label should be something like "Allow rejection of published photo?". This serves as an implicit notice that the current post is published. And it requires the moderator to intervene if they actually want to perform a rejection. This could deter any further effort to review if that's not their intent.
  3. Add a warning above the "Reject" button that only appears if a rejection reason is chosen for an already-published post (and thus the "Reject" button becomes enabled). This is a final, more emphatic notice at the point of pressing the button.

With these changes in place, I would imagine it would be hard to overlook that a published photo is about to be rejected.

Attachments (1)

meta-7751.png (54.5 KB) - added by coffee2code 6 months ago.
Screenshots of proposed changes when editing a published photo. Left: Checkbox to enable rejection. Right: Checkbox being checked enabled dropdown, and choosing a dropdown value triggers warning below.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

6 months ago

Screenshots of proposed changes when editing a published photo. Left: Checkbox to enable rejection. Right: Checkbox being checked enabled dropdown, and choosing a dropdown value triggers warning below.

#1 @coffee2code
6 months ago

  • Owner set to coffee2code
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 13996:

Photo Directory, Rejection: Help prevent unintended rejection of published photo.

  • Disable rejection reason dropdown for published photos by default.
  • Add a checkbox above rejection dropdown to enable rejection reason dropdown and emphasize that photo is already published.
  • Add a warning adjacent to 'Reject' button that appears if published photo is about to be rejected.

Fixes #7751.

#2 @coffee2code
5 months ago

In 14051:

Photo Directory, Rejection: Unset rejection-related changes if "Allow rejection of published photo?" gets unchecked.

A moderator might reasonably assume that unchecking the checkbox should prevent any efforts they made to reject the photo to be ignored.

See #7751.

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