
Opened 3 months ago

Closed 2 months ago

#7831 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Kazakh /team site incorrectly configured

Reported by: tobifjellner's profile tobifjellner Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: International Sites (Rosetta) Keywords:


@dnauryz alerted me to the fact that doesn't work. The site itself seems to be incorrectly configured for a /team site in the Rosetta network, and perhaps there are some cached 404 messing with us, too.

Change History (5)

#1 @dd32
2 months ago

The site does not exist, nor has it ever.

Not all locales have a /team site, 113 have a /team/ site, and 95 do not.

I believe the site may have only been created for active locales at the time, and inactive locales simply were skipped.

Is this just a request to create the /team site for this locale then?

#2 @tobifjellner
2 months ago

Yes please. They'll need it.
Thanks in advance, @dd32

#3 @dd32
2 months ago

Hmm.. I can't figure out how to create the site. @ocean90 do you know what I'm missing? Or is something just broken :) says to talk to a global mentor (ie. you)

The wp-cli command doesn't seem to work as I'd expect wp --url= rosetta create site team kk creates a site, but it's not configured right.

The new-site form has a checkbox for the site type, but it errors out when I try it:

I forced that to create a new site, but I ended up in a situation without it configured (like the CLI command) and with the Cache + DB being out-of-sync (The DB had the correct urls, but the cache had as the url instead of

Sidenote: It looks like the admin email address on is outdated

#4 @tobifjellner
2 months ago

It's ok. I'll do it when I can, within a day or two.

#5 @ocean90
2 months ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

@dd32 This is documented in But there's indeed some missing cache invalidation. Manually clearing the site cache solves it. exists now.

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