
Opened 4 weeks ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#7887 closed defect (bug) (reported-upstream)

Redirect XML-RPC Support Codex page to Developer Docs page

Reported by: alh0319's profile alh0319 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Codex Keywords:


The Codex page for XML-RPC( is out of date and contains broken links. It also ranks very well in searches for "WordPress XML-RPC" and is likely to be found by people who are troubleshooting issues with connecting the WordPress mobile app to their website.

@estelaris let me know that it's not being maintained and the content has been moved to developer docs. It looks like the content has been moved to This page does not rank in search results for XML-RPC and is difficult to find. should be redirected to to ensure that users can easily find the documentation they need and are not served outdated documentation with broken links.

Change History (6)

#1 @dd32
4 weeks ago should be redirected to

These two pages are not at all the same thing, which explains why it hasn't been redirected.

The codex is talking about XML-RPC publishing, the handbook is talking about pings which are an XML-RPC action, but not publishing.

The #docs team should be able to update the page still though.

#2 @alh0319
4 weeks ago

When I spoke with @estelaris in Slack, she said that they aren't maintaining this doc and that it had been broken into multiple docs. I'm not sure what the solution is when something hasn't been replicated 1:1 in developer docs, but maintaining a high ranking page in Google that is "out of date" as she said doesn't seem best for users. I came across this while trying to troubleshoot my connection to the mobile app and it frustrated me.

Perhaps this needs to be first replicated 1:1 in developer docs?

Last edited 4 weeks ago by alh0319 (previous) (diff)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #docs by amberhinds. View the logs.

4 weeks ago

#4 @Kenshino
4 weeks ago

Hey @alh0319

Estela is right that we don't want to be maintaining Codex. She's also right that some docs have been broken up into various different docs. Aa direct 1:1 redirect is not straight forward.

In this case, the correct XML RPC page is actually in the Common APIs Handbook ->

I'd love for you to see if there's any more info we need to move from the Codex to that page. We can then redirect the Codex page at that point

#5 @alh0319
4 weeks ago

Thanks @Kenshino! Does that page exist on GitHub and can I submit a PR with changes? Or do I need to open an issue in the Docs Issue Tracker? I'm not seeing an edit link on the page (for GitHub).

Last edited 4 weeks ago by alh0319 (previous) (diff)

#6 @Kenshino
4 weeks ago

  • Resolution set to reported-upstream
  • Status changed from new to closed

Yup open an issue on the Docs Issue Tracker.

This is one of those handbooks that are still on WordPress fully (not synced from GitHub)

If you start an issue there and make your suggestions to the content, I will help you update the content on the WordPress backend.

Thanks for helping with Docs!

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