
Changeset 10431

11/06/2020 04:30:43 AM (4 years ago)

Theme Directory: Block duplicate Theme URI's (except when by the current author) and add a "Are you sure you want to upload this here" type message for those who are lost.

Fixes #4039.

2 edited


  • sites/trunk/

    r10418 r10431  
    156156                '<code>Theme Name:</code>',
    157157                '<code>style.css</code>',
    158                 __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
     158                __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
    159159            );
    197197                '<code>Description:</code>',
    198198                '<code>style.css</code>',
    199                 __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
     199                __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
    200200            );
    210210                '<code>Tags:</code>',
    211211                '<code>style.css</code>',
    212                 __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
     212                __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
    213213            );
    223223                '<code>Version:</code>',
    224224                '<code>style.css</code>',
    225                 __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
     225                __( '', 'wporg-themes' )
    226226            );
    236236        }
    238         // Make sure we have version that is higher than any previously uploaded version of this theme.
     238        // Version is greater than current version happens after authorship checks.
     240        // Prevent duplicate URLs.
     241        $themeuri = $this->theme->get( 'ThemeURI' );
     242        $authoruri = $this->theme->get( 'AuthorURI' );
     243        if ( !empty( $themeuri ) && !empty( $authoruri ) && $themeuri == $authoruri ) {
     244            return __( 'Duplicate theme and author URLs. A theme URL is a page/site that provides details about this specific theme. An author URL is a page/site that provides information about the author of the theme. You aren&rsquo;t required to provide both, so pick the one that best applies to your URL.', 'wporg-themes' );
     245        }
     247        // Check for child theme's parent in the directory (non-buddypress only)
     248        if ( $this->theme->parent() && ! in_array( 'buddypress', $this->theme->get( 'Tags' ) ) && ! $this->is_parent_available() ) {
     249            /* translators: %s: parent theme */
     250            return sprintf( __( 'There is no theme called %s in the directory. For child themes, you must use a parent theme that already exists in the directory.', 'wporg-themes' ),
     251                '<code>' . $this->theme->parent() . '</code>'
     252            );
     253        }
     255        // Generic text to suggest "Are you in the right place?"
     256        $are_you_in_the_right_place = '<br>' .
     257            __( 'The Theme Directory is for sharing a unique theme with others, duplicates are not allowed.', 'wporg-themes' ) .
     258            '<br>' .
     259            sprintf(
     260                /* translators: %s: A link to */
     261                __( "If you're attempting to install a theme on your website, <a href='%s'>please see this article</a>.", 'wporg-themes' ),
     262                ''
     263            );
     265        // Is there already a theme with the name name by a different author?
     266        if ( ! empty( $this->theme_post ) && $this->theme_post->post_author != $this->author->ID ) {
     267            /* translators: 1: theme slug, 2: style.css */
     268            return sprintf( __( 'There is already a theme called %1$s by a different author. Please change the name of your theme in %2$s and upload it again.', 'wporg-themes' ),
     269                '<code>' . $this->theme_slug . '</code>',
     270                '<code>style.css</code>'
     271            ) . $are_you_in_the_right_place;
     272        }
     274        // Check if the ThemeURI is already in use by another theme by another author.
     275        if ( empty( $this->theme_post ) && ! empty( $themeuri ) ) {
     276            $theme_uri_matches = get_posts( [
     277                'post_type'        => 'repopackage',
     278                'post_status'      => 'publish',
     279                'meta_query'       => [
     280                    'theme_uri_search' => [
     281                        'key'     => '_theme_url',
     282                        'value'   => '"' . $themeuri . '"', // Searching within a Serialized PHP value
     283                        'compare' => 'LIKE'
     284                    ],
     285                ]
     286            ] );
     287            $theme_owners = wp_list_pluck( $theme_uri_matches, 'post_author' );
     289            if ( $theme_owners && ! in_array( $this->author->ID, $theme_owners ) ) {
     290                return sprintf(
     291                    /* translators: 1: theme name, 2: style.css */
     292                    __( 'There is already a theme using the Theme URL %1$s by a different author. Please check the URI of your theme in %2$s and upload it again.', 'wporg-themes' ),
     293                    '<code>' . esc_html( $theme_uri ) . '</code>',
     294                    '<code>style.css</code>'
     295                ) . $are_you_in_the_right_place;
     296            }
     297        }
     299        // We know it's the correct author, now we can check if it's suspended.
     300        if ( ! empty( $this->theme_post ) && 'suspend' === $this->theme_post->post_status ) {
     301            /* translators: %s: mailto link */
     302            return sprintf( __( 'This theme is suspended from the Theme Repository and it can&rsquo;t be updated. If you have any questions about this please contact %s.', 'wporg-themes' ),
     303                '<a href=""></a>'
     304            );
     305        }
     307        // Make sure we have version that is higher than any previously uploaded version of this theme. This check happens last to allow the non-author blocks to kick in.
    239308        if ( ! empty( $this->theme_post ) && ! version_compare( $this->theme->get( 'Version' ), $this->theme_post->max_version, '>' ) ) {
    240309            /* translators: 1: theme name, 2: theme version, 3: style.css */
    243312                '<code>' . $this->theme_post->max_version . '</code>',
    244313                '<code>style.css</code>'
    245             );
    246         }
    248         // Prevent duplicate URLs.
    249         $themeuri = $this->theme->get( 'ThemeURI' );
    250         $authoruri = $this->theme->get( 'AuthorURI' );
    251         if ( !empty( $themeuri ) && !empty( $authoruri ) && $themeuri == $authoruri ) {
    252             return __( 'Duplicate theme and author URLs. A theme URL is a page/site that provides details about this specific theme. An author URL is a page/site that provides information about the author of the theme. You aren&rsquo;t required to provide both, so pick the one that best applies to your URL.', 'wporg-themes' );
    253         }
    255         // Check for child theme's parent in the directory (non-buddypress only)
    256         if ( $this->theme->parent() && ! in_array( 'buddypress', $this->theme->get( 'Tags' ) ) && ! $this->is_parent_available() ) {
    257             /* translators: %s: parent theme */
    258             return sprintf( __( 'There is no theme called %s in the directory. For child themes, you must use a parent theme that already exists in the directory.', 'wporg-themes' ),
    259                 '<code>' . $this->theme->parent() . '</code>'
    260             );
    261         }
    263         // Is there already a theme with the name name by a different author?
    264         if ( ! empty( $this->theme_post ) && $this->theme_post->post_author != $this->author->ID ) {
    265             /* translators: 1: theme slug, 2: style.css */
    266             return sprintf( __( 'There is already a theme called %1$s by a different author. Please change the name of your theme in %2$s and upload it again.', 'wporg-themes' ),
    267                 '<code>' . $this->theme_slug . '</code>',
    268                 '<code>style.css</code>'
    269             );
    270         }
    272         // We know it's the correct author, now we can check if it's suspended.
    273         if ( ! empty( $this->theme_post ) && 'suspend' === $this->theme_post->post_status ) {
    274             /* translators: %s: mailto link */
    275             return sprintf( __( 'This theme is suspended from the Theme Repository and it can&rsquo;t be updated. If you have any questions about this please contact %s.', 'wporg-themes' ),
    276                 '<a href=""></a>'
    277314            );
    278315        }
  • sites/trunk/

    r10322 r10431  
    127127        empty( $query->query_vars['author_name'] ) &&
    128128        ! in_array( $query->query_vars['browse'], array( 'favorites', 'new', 'updated' ) ) &&
    129         empty( $query->query_vars['meta_query']['trac_sync_ticket_id'] ) // jobs/class-trac-sync.php - Always needs to find the post, and looks up via a meta search.
     129        empty( $query->query_vars['meta_query']['trac_sync_ticket_id'] ) && // jobs/class-trac-sync.php - Always needs to find the post, and looks up via a meta search.
     130        empty( $query->query_vars['meta_query']['theme_uri_search'] ) // class-wporg-themes-upload.php - Searching all known themes by meta value.
    130131    ) {
    131132        $query->query_vars['date_query']['recent_themes_only'] = array(
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