
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#2991 closed enhancement (fixed)

Codex For NGINX References blogs.dir for multisite

Reported by: inetbizo's profile inetbizo Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: high
Component: Codex Keywords:

Description references blogs.dir for wpmu and I don't think that's used anymore. The nginx rules should be updated?

Change History (3)

#1 @Otto42
8 years ago

The blogs.dir setup is still supported by WordPress, it's just not the default setting anymore. For older blogs that still have it enabled, then it's still necessary information.

Basically, if you setup an old version of WP and then upgraded over the years, your code still uses blogs.dir. My own multisite instance does, in fact. :)

#2 @inetbizo
8 years ago

At the very least, the caveat should be to not include them and have a new section for older wordpress installs. People who install WPMU today won't be able to follow those directions. IMHO ;-)

#3 @dd32
7 years ago

  • Keywords needs-codex removed
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

The codex is a Wiki, editable by any user with a account.

I've added a note to the codex page stating they may not be needed.
If you feel the following comment isn't good enough or needs tweaking, please feel free to edit the codex.

Note: WordPress Network installs no longer need the blogs.dir rules when creating a network, however may still be needed when migrating older installations.

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