#3461 closed enhancement (fixed)
CLPTEs and special PTEs are not displayed as Translation Editors
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Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Component: | Translate Site & Plugins | Keywords: | needs-patch |
Cc: |
On a single locale view of a project (e.g. https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/ja/default/wp-plugins/jetpack ), the Translation Editors section only show "regular" PTEs. Cross-Locale PTEs and PTEs who are assigned to a group of projects, such as all plugins and all themes, do not show up on this page.
Attachments (3)
Change History (19)
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by yui. View the logs.
7 years ago
7 years ago
- Owner set to ocean90
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
In 6691:
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
@ocean90, thanks for the patch, but current appearance of the editor list should be enhanced.
Currently it may show a very long list of special editors, clpte's and project pte's with no way to distinguish who is who. If they made any translations - they are branded with "Editor" in contributors list.
As plugin or theme author i would be shocked seeing lists like this:
"Who are all those people and why noone is translating my plugin?"
Therefore, suggestions:
- Output project PTE's first
- hide all "special" (all project category PTEs) under expandable list
- Add more branding titles for contributors, or let only Project PTE and CL-PTE have "Editor" title in contributor list
- GTE's should be listed in editor list (see 2. Listed among "special" editors and hidden by default, as this list can be long)
7 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from reopened to closed
For now I'd like to leave it as is. I don't think having all the acronyms on that page is helpful at all. They are all translation editors so having them in one list is fine.
7 years ago
Current appearance discourage new translators from contributing, all projects appear as "taken"
and taken by many people.
7 years ago
I second @fierevere's point of view.
As the only zh-CN PTE with rights to all plugins and themes, it may seem that I may have taken all plugins and themes projects under my wing. And I would like to avoid the time when every plugin/theme author and translation contributor to reach out to me to validate for their projects when they should reach out to the GTE's to appoint PTEs. I will be busier than I already am.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by nao. View the logs.
7 years ago
7 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
- Type changed from defect to enhancement
Thanks Dominik for addressing my initial issue.
For some locales like Russian which has 10 "special" PTEs (who can validate all plugins), I can see how this can be problematic. We also don't show GTEs under "Translation Editors" list, which is misleading. Plugin author should first contact project specific PTE (regular PTE), then try to reach GTEs/special PTEs if necessary.
To clear all confusions, I suggest these changes as an improvement:
- On the project page, add a link to the locale's Team page (e.g. https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/?locale=ru_RU)
- Mark the "special" PTEs who can validate all plugins on the Team page
- Remove the "special" PTEs but leave regular PTEs and CLPTEs from the project page
7 years ago
I think that PTEs with global power on themes and/or plugins, should not be listed on translate.
In it_IT, we have many PTEs that have power on plugins or themes, they are very important as they mentor new PTEs and solve critical plugins or themes, but if they appear in any single project looks like all projects are followed and translated
7 years ago
The project page should list people specifically responsible for the project:
- PTEs for the plugin/theme.
- CLPTEs for the plugin/theme.
Displaying "special" PTEs (for all plugins/themes) there is indeed misleading:
- In theory, they can approve waiting strings. In reality, they might not be interested in that particular project at all. Even if they are, they cannot add the new translator as a PTE.
- GTEs, on the other hand, would be glad to help, but they're not displayed in the list, so they won't get pinged for reviews and won't see the new translator's activity.
- For ru_RU, every project appears as "taken" by 10+ people now, the small "These users can validate and approve your translations" notice does not help much.
I agree with @nao's suggestions:
- Remove "special" PTEs from project pages.
- Display them in a separate section on the locale's Team page instead.
- Add a link to the locale's Team page on each project page.
Additional suggestions that could be implemented in in a new ticket:
- If the project does not have a specific PTE yet, the page should say something like "This project is unclaimed — jump right in!", similar to "None, be the first?" under Translation Contributors header.
- The project page should have a link to locale-specific instructions on getting started with translations.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by sergey. View the logs.
7 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by nao. View the logs.
7 years ago
7 years ago
I think, IMVHO, that GTEs and special PTEs I agree with @SergeyBiryukov:
I agree with @nao's suggestions:
Remove "special" PTEs from project pages.
Display them in a separate section on the locale's Team page instead.
Add a link to the locale's Team page on each project page.
Now I receive DM on slack form people asking me to approve their translations.
It's impossible to reply to everyone and approving all their projects.
We have no enough time in a day
7 years ago
IMVHO, for GTEs and special PTEs I agree with @SergeyBiryukov:
I agree with @nao's suggestions:
Remove "special" PTEs from project pages.
Display them in a separate section on the locale's Team page instead.
Add a link to the locale's Team page on each project page.
Now I receive DM on slack form people asking me to approve their translations.
It's impossible to reply to everyone and approving all their projects.
We have no enough time in a day
CLPTEs and special PTEs are missing from Translation Editors section.