
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#4529 closed enhancement (maybelater)

Reactions on Support Forum Replies

Reported by: felipeloureirosantos's profile felipeloureirosantos Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Support Forums Keywords:


I believe that we should make the support forums a happier and better place, so I just realized about something that could improve the communication.

Most social medias (even Slack) have this feature: reaction to replies. It could make the support forums more informal and dynamic, so I really would like to proposal this feature.

I don't think we should just allow all emojis. Maybe choose some of them (like these: or create some icons. We could just try it out using just the dashicons-heart, and then provide new reactions.

Change History (11)

#1 @joyously
6 years ago

I am against this. The forums are for support, not emoting.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by joyously. View the logs.

6 years ago

#3 @sterndata
6 years ago

I second Joy's note. Do not gamify the forums.

#4 @felipeloureirosantos
6 years ago

I believe that as we are human begins, so emotions are a part of us and part of everything. Those small things help us to provide a better support. It could help users that are somehow nervous and make it more dynamic. But I understand your points of view.

Last edited 6 years ago by felipeloureirosantos (previous) (diff)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by tellyworth. View the logs.

6 years ago

#6 @tellyworth
6 years ago

  • Resolution set to maybelater
  • Status changed from new to closed

If this was a feature of bbPress, or a readily available plugin, we could consider trying it out. Otherwise I think it's too controversial to consider spending resources on it. I'll close this ticket as maybelater; if you're able to find support for it either in bbPress core or a plugin then feel free to re-open and we'll take a closer look.

#7 follow-up: @casiepa
6 years ago

This one used to work on bbPress if I remember well, but not tested in the last years:

#8 in reply to: ↑ 7 ; follow-up: @netweb
6 years ago

Replying to casiepa:

This one used to work on bbPress if I remember well, but not tested in the last years:

Thanks, that plugin allows an “emoji picker” to select an emoji to add to the post content inline, which would work with bbPress, but it’s not like the GitHub voting buttons where a limited selection of emoji are available to use as a voting mechanism by users to vote on topic or replies.

#9 in reply to: ↑ 8 ; follow-up: @casiepa
6 years ago

Ah, ok, so then more something like:

Replying to netweb:

Replying to casiepa:

This one used to work on bbPress if I remember well, but not tested in the last years:

Thanks, that plugin allows an “emoji picker” to select an emoji to add to the post content inline, which would work with bbPress, but it’s not like the GitHub voting buttons where a limited selection of emoji are available to use as a voting mechanism by users to vote on topic or replies.

#10 in reply to: ↑ 9 @netweb
6 years ago

Replying to casiepa:

Ah, ok, so then more something like:

Thanks, again, no, this plugin adds a numeric vote counter to each topic or reply rather than emoji reactions

Replying to casiepa:

This is close, but it is doing far too much other stuff for consideration on

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by sergey. View the logs.

5 years ago

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