
Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#5378 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Slack/Chat: Update Chat intro page

Reported by: ipstenu's profile Ipstenu Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC) Keywords:


Can we change this:

You can email slackinvitehelp at this domain (just the "" part) for help.

to this:

You can email slackinvitehelp@… for help if you cannot log in.

Apparently it's confusing to some people.

Change History (4)

#1 follow-up: @Otto42
4 years ago

I'm inclined to say that if you can't work that out, then you don't need to be in the developer-focused chat system.

Maybe I'm wrong. But we don't have support channels on the slack of any kind. Are actual developers unable to work out how email addresses work?

Last edited 4 years ago by Otto42 (previous) (diff)

#2 in reply to: ↑ 1 @carike
4 years ago

Replying to Otto42:

I'm inclined to say that if you can't work that out, then you don't need to be in the developer-focused chat system.

Then neither would I, nor would more than one senior developer I am personally aware of :(
In our cases, it wasn't the e-mail address.
What would be really helpful, is if the
"Joining the WordPress team on Slack"
had "or if you already have an account, please log in and then refresh this page".
I don't remember being redirected back to the page after logging in.
In the case of the other developers, they did not have .org accounts. Once they registered those, they were able to join Slack without much fuss.

#3 @Ipstenu
4 years ago

Not everyone speaks English natively, and the sentence structure has confused enough ESL devs that I think a SMALL win for more clearly explaining what the gosh darn email address would be an act of humanitarianism AND foster an open, international, community.

Not everyone reads English with the same level of understanding as you.

#4 @dd32
4 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed via r16471-dotorg.

This text is only shown to logged in users, so there's no need to hide it behind the antispambot() function as it was, nor to obfuscate it.

If people are smart enough to figure out how to email it, then making it easier to contact it isn't going to increase the number of people emailing it.

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