
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5769 new enhancement

Submit a new project

Reported by: benjamin_zekavica's profile Benjamin_Zekavica Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: General Keywords:


Hallo I want to know how I could submit a new project for I've been working on a solution online for the last few weeks. I have set up my own platform based on React.js. This is about a Gutenberg Block Online Generator. I would like to make this platform available to the community and the WordPress organisation.

PS: This is a first alpha version and still WIP.

Change History (3)

#1 @dufresnesteven
4 years ago

Hi @Benjamin_Zekavica!

Can you be a little bit more specific on what you mean by "submit a new project for"?

Are you hoping that hosts the application and links its somewhere?

#2 @Benjamin_Zekavica
4 years ago

Right now the idea is to add this as a generator on the platform. My idea is to offer the developers a simple way to build the blocks via a web interface. By clicking and maybe also with a drag and drop setup.

The developers then copy the generated code and integrate them in the backend (themes or plugins) themselves. Many of the WordPress developers were excited by the idea, and they would also appreciate being able to use a platform as a generator for facilitation.

I would like to create a subpage on the site where the generator will be there and also help other developers to expand the idea and make it even better.
It would be really great if the WordPress Organisation could help and expand the idea.

#3 @dufresnesteven
4 years ago

Although I'm not a representative of WordPress or its stance on integrating tooling into .org, I can't think of a case where something like this was added.

There are many tools that are part of the WordPress community that could potentially be added to the website but it would make for a very complicated website and a real burden to manage (tools become irrelevant, unmaintained, etc...). Since this project is more closely related to Gutenberg and its support for patterns, GitHub may be a better place to talk about it.

For example, there is tooling for creating blocks in the project.

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